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April 12, 2009



I could only listen to half of it, even with Grayson's common sense.

I didn't hear Grayson make the obvious talking point: the Congress does not legislate limits for lead and mercury; the EPA does. The Congress does not (nor could it) define exactly what the dividing line between puffery and fraud is; the courts do. The Congress does not set speed limits on federal highways; the Department of Transportation does. The Congress does not write tax tables; the IRS does.

Cavuto is a complete and total moron.


You guys are morons the government has no business messing with any of this. They should never have bailed out anyone in the first place. They scared everyone with their chicken little mentality and now the government is evermore so getting into the realms they don't belong in. And this notion that it is for the general welfare is a load of crap. They will use this phrase to excuse anything they do no matter how invasive or government growing it may be. So do as all the liberal idiots do and argue small points to avoid the real arguement case in point being yall wil argue about what the congress will let the executive branch do to limit pay the big issue is why is the government interfering in private business anyways. Why do they determine who can fail and who they won't let fail.

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