by Damozel | The Nutterdammerung continues apace, as Rush Limbaugh once again admits that he and his GOP sycophants hate America,. Meanwhile, Obama's popularity soars to an all-time high.
Meanwhile the disgraced Tom DeLay calls Limbaugh "a role model." Perhaps, Joan Walsh concedes, he is a role model...for Tom DeLay and his ilk.
So for now the future of the party is an admitted Oxycontin addict who plea-bargained his way out of a drug conviction, who mocks children and Parkinson's sufferers, who exhibits strange sexual fears about our first black president (why is he worried about "grabbing his ankles?"), who was famously detained on a Dominican Republic vacation for carrying Viagra without a prescription? (Salon)
But I want to be just as fair and balanced as Rush is. For a defense, then, of Limbaugh's hopes for defeat of liberals at any price, Jon Swift: Rush Limbaugh Gives Republicans Hope Again
Inspired to hopefulness by Limbaugh, Swift sets forth all the things self-styled conservatives hope Obama fails to do:
- Change the tone in Washington.
- Fix the economy.
- Get people to stop hating gays.
- Institute universal health care.
- Broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
- Prevent a big disaster from devastating an American city.
- Prevent a terrorist attack on American soil.
With respect to the hopes of conservatives that Obama will fail to prevent a terrorist attack, the great Swift comments:
Meanwhile, a poll by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal suggests that the part of the public that isn't part of the Republican "base" doesn't seem to see things quite the same way as Limbaugh and his kind. Oddly, though people seem to care so much for his policies much, Obama's rating "is at an all-time high."
"What is amazing here is how much political capital Obama has spent in the first six weeks," said Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. "And against that, he stands at the end of this six weeks with as much or more capital in the bank."
But what about the Republicans, eh? What about them? As Oliver Willis says, "Surely the brilliant combination of Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, John Boehner and Rush Limbaugh is far ahead of Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid!"
By comparison, the Republican Party — which resisted Obama's recently passed stimulus plan and has criticized the spending in his budget — finds its favorability at an all-time low. It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington and trails the Democrats by nearly 30 percentage points on the question of which party could best lead the nation out of recession.
This ought to put the ol' shotgun shine in Rush's eyes. (I can't see this photograph without thinking of Tony Soprana).
Meanwhile, Republicans are upset that Dems have begun to refer to Limbaugh as the GOP's leader. Walsh again:
But come on: Did Nancy Pelosi make Rep. Phil Gingrey apologize to Limbaugh last month for criticizing him? Did Howard Dean make Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele crawl to Limbaugh exactly 51 minutes (according to "Hardball") after Limbaugh attacked him on his radio show yesterday, and say he hadn't meant to call Limbaugh's behavior "incendiary" or "ugly"? Is Harry Reid the reason it's impossible to find one, even one, Republican to criticize Limbaugh on the record -- without then racing to kiss his ring and apologize? (Salon)
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