by Damozel | ...because you deserve to know which GOP stimulus-haters have their chubby little palms out, looking for a handout. Rick Perry signs off thus: "[P]lease allow this letter to certify that we will accept the funds in H.R. 1...I remain opposed to using these funds to expand existing government programs, burdening the state with ongoing expenditures long after the funding has dried up." The odor of sanctimony is to distract you from the stench of hypocrisy.
...and taking taxpayer dollars he doesn't think the government should be handing out to anyone? Surely the rugged individualists of the Texas Republican party (than which no individualists are more rugged) will roundly condemn stimulus welfare from the federal government for their state?
The argument seems to be that the oil billionaire barons and other wealthy oligarchs of the great state of Texas pay way more into the federal treasury than the rest of us working folks, and Texas therefore deserves a big ol' cut -- just as if the rest of us wouldn't happily take on their tax "woes" for their income, privilege, and influence if we had the chance.
Republicans Who Couldn't Bring Themselves to Vote for the Stimulus Seeing Potential Benefits for Their Own States