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March 15, 2009




It will be a measure of the new Administration to see whether it has the collective courage to clean the slate of these cases. There is no clear way forward after the horrors of the last Presidency's use of torture, is there?

Perhaps, however, the most humane way to deal with the issue and one that would certainly restore more of the country's lost credibility abroad would be to let the sunshine onto these crimes and allow a commission or Congressional committee access to the records.

Our nation will not soon recover from the deeds done in our name by this cabal. It's pretty disgusting stuff, but it needs to be accounted for.


'Indeed, since the detainees were kept strictly apart and isolated, both at the black sites and at Guantánamo, the striking similarity in their stories would seem to make fabrication extremely unlikely. As its authors state in their introduction, “The I.C.R.C. wishes to underscore that the consistency of the detailed allegations provided separately by each of the 14 adds particular weight to the information provided below.”'

What the hell does the ICRC actually know about terrorists and Al Qaeda? In fact, what the hell does this Danner actually know about Al Qaeda and the vermin that are in this group?

I think it is more likely these terrorists (not alleged either) rehearsed what they would say to gullible morons like those of the ICRC long before they got captured.

And the Bush-haters actually agree with the terrorists, because their hatred of other Americans blinds them to the lies of America's enemies. It is a sickness to be a member of the left in this country.

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