Talking of mobs with pitchforks... Colbert will lead the assault on AIG if you promise him a $165 million bonus if he succeeds and a $165 million bonus if he fails.
Update: AIG to Give Bonuses and the Resulting Political Theatre
New Times in El Salvador
Tales of the Torture Administration: What Happened at the CIA Black Sites?
Econ4u on how Much Money Cramer Might Have Lost You
Stewart v. Cramer: Jon Sums up CNBC and Wall Street, Jim Appears Humbly Apologetic
A Turning Point in Journalism History? Reactions to Stewart versus Cramer
Stewart vs. Cramer: The Whole Uncensored Interview
CNBC and Financial Television: Puppets in the Pre-Meltdown Show
From the Back of His Winged Unicorn of Hope, Obama Promises that The Economy Ain't As Bad as It Seems (w/ Bonus Cynical Cartoon)