by Deb Cupples | Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) is the type of congressman that every district deserves: a guy who seeks answers and accountability. Before going to Congress, Grayson went after government contractors that had robbed us taxpayers (see Vanity Fair).
Since going to Congress this year, Grayson has grilled a few of the people involved in our nation's financial meltdown and the Wall Street bailouts. We posted videos of Grayson's grillings here and here.
Yesterday, Rep. Grayson did a live chat at Firedoglake. One participant asked him what sort of responses he got after the public grillings. Grayson's answer:
Little old Alan? It's nice to see modesty in a public official, but I've met him: he's not old and he stands at least 6'4".
It's astonishing that Republican operatives devoted so much effort to attacking Grayson. All Grayson did was dutifully ask questions that most of us taxpayers want answered.
Republican politicians tend to trumpet about cutting government waste and grandstand about accountability -- at least when TV cameras are on them.
And yet the Republican party is fighting against a congressman who actually seeks to cut waste and promote accountability?
Okay, I'm not really surprised. Many Republican politicians are bought and paid for by some of the same people who want to dodge accountability while making off with billions of our tax dollars.
The upside: that a corrupt faction of Republicans is attacking Grayson means that the GOP fears his effectiveness at promoting the interests of us taxpayers.
Memeorandum has commentary.
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