by Teh Nutroots | If she were a Democrat blathering nonsense rhetoric it wouldn't matter so much, but because the members constituting the Republican "base" -- as was amply demonstrated during the last election -- are frequently stupid, always in a state of incoherent rage much like Bachmann, and usually armed, it matters. So this is a giant step further along the batshit crazy continuum than the last outburst (lamenting that we are about to run out of rich people). (Republicans really don't believe in "Country First" if it means tossing a few more bucks into the common pot to bail us out of the mess their guy left behind, do they?)
So once again, you have a wingnut pol jumping up and down red-faced and screeching about Obama in absolute confidence that their constituents really are too dumb to notice that they haven't got any better ideas.
Whatever! We say it sounds like sedition and we say Congress must censure the demagogue the way she voted to censure over Petraeus!
Bob Cesca asks, as somebody pretty much had to:
At FDL, watertiger says:
This isn't the first time Minnesota's Embarrassment has caromed off the short pier with her overwrought rhetoric, but it could be her last if any of her constituents take her fire-breathing to heart and go do something . . . well, stupid. See, Congress can kick her ass to the curb for that, thanks to a little section in the Fourteenth Amendment that reads:
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
I know, I know. Cries of "treason" are only valid if they're directed at Democrats. So cue up the usual wingnut whine of "I was only joooooking!" in 5...4...3...2...
Hell, maybe she'll just Tweet her excuse for inciting people to riot.
That ain't all:
Athenae at First Draft sees this one off.
We like to make a lot of fun of wingnuts' inflated self-importance, the way they describe themselves as Strike Forces and talk about themselves in the florid language of the resistance movement. The truth is, there are people every day who live the kind of lives Michelle Bachmann and her ilk like to talk about, who go out every day and do the job Michelle only pretends to do. That's why this kind of thing isn't funny and it isn't cute and it isn't harmless hyperbole. She's presuming, and she shouldn't.
To the actual foreign correspondents working every day — under conditions which would send the 101st Fighting Keyboarders screaming for their mommies — to their memory, to their families, and to everyone who knows or knew them, Bachmann should apologize.
What's with all the desperate GOP rhetoric anyway? Steve Benen temperately remarks:
. We have one GOP lawmaker saying the party should emulate the insurgency tactics of the Taliban. We have another arguing the party should position itself as "freedom fighters" taking on the "slide toward socialism."
And now Bachmann is throwing fuel on the fire of right-wing rage.
Obviously, Bachmann and other unhinged conservatives have the right to say what they please. But at a minimum, I think it's fair to describe this kind of talk from elected leaders in positions of authority as irresponsible.
My thanks to the good people of Minnesota's 6th Congressional district for once again sending Michelle Bachmann to Congress because every day in every way she reminds people of how really fucked up in the head Republicans are.
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"blathering nonsense", "frequently stupid", "incoherent rage", "batshit crazy continuum", "red-faced and screeching", "must censure"... Morford, is that you?
And can I imagine if, say, any random liberal had said such a thing about George W. Bush? Yes, I can. I can remember when a random liberal made "Snipers Wanted" appear over video of candidate George W. Bush on the Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn. And I can remember how Gabriel Range's 2006 fictional documentary about the assassination of George W. Bush, "Death of a President", was defended and lauded as cutting-edge, and provocative, while "The Path to 9/11" enraged liberals so much you all tried to get it censored, pulled, and yanked because, as a docudrama, it “wasn’t accurate…” And, it wasn't Bush, but I can even remember how a local radio lib, Kevin Lynn, upon hearing that columnist Bob Novak would be visiting a nearby university, asked, “Will he have a target on him so we know which one to shoot?”
Posted by: flowerplough | March 26, 2009 at 05:22 AM
It's appalling how you abuse people who defend the Constitution. Your Anti-Americanism is plain for all to see.
Posted by: VinceP1974 | March 26, 2009 at 02:57 PM
Rep. Bachmann isn't the idiot. You are. The Second Amendment was put into place to protect the American people from overreaching governments that don't even know what Constitutional provision gives them authority to take more power.
Of course, some people like an all powerful government as long as it is force feeding collectivism down our throats.
Posted by: Steven Ward | March 26, 2009 at 03:09 PM
There's an invention you libtards apparently haven't quite grasped yet. It's called a figure of speech.
Posted by: bob | March 26, 2009 at 03:52 PM
I ain't anti-American, friends. I am anti-Republican base. I love all Americans who ain't members of the base and all values that are really about freedom and democracy.
I realize that for you freepers, the words "Republican" and "American" are synonymous. But in the real world, they are not.
Posted by: TEH NUTROOTS | March 27, 2009 at 11:06 AM