by Deb Cupples | Another head is rolling over the corrupt schemes of lobbyist-turned-prison-inmate Jack Abramoff. This head belongs to Ann Copland, who pleaded guilty to corruption-related crimes. Copland worked for an un-named U.S. Senator from 1979-2009. From 2002-2004, she worked on issue relating to Native American tribes.
The Justice Department reports:
"In her plea agreement, Copland admitted being lobbied by Jack Abramoff, Todd Boulanger and another lobbyist on matters involving a Native American tribe located in Mississippi. Copland admitted that she took and agreed to take a variety of official actions beneficial to the lobbyists and their clients, including the Mississippi tribe, at the request of Abramoff, Boulanger and others, based in part on the fact that she was receiving and wanted to continue receiving thousands of dollars in tickets to concerts, sports and other entertainment events, from the lobbyists.
"Specifically, Copland admitted to receiving more than $25,000 worth of tickets, meals and drinks from March 2002 through May 2004, during which time she understood that the lobbyists were giving her those things of value in order to influence her in the performance of her official actions.
"The case is part of the ongoing investigation into the activities of former lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his associates. Boulanger pleaded guilty on Jan. 30, 2009, for his role in the scheme. Nineteen individuals, including lobbyists and public officials, have pleaded guilty or are awaiting trial as a result of the investigation, including Abramoff...." (DoJ)
Concert tickets? Food? Drinks? Yes, it is amazing that people can be bought off so cheaply.
Incidentally, Mr. Abramoff had taken millions in fees to represent various Indian tribes' gambling interests. Sometimes, Mr. Abramoff's team deceived or betrayed one tribal client in favor of another. (see SourceWatch)
Mr. Abramoff also used Ralph Reed's Christian Coalition to pressure public officials against supporting gambling operations of some tribes -- simply to reduce competition of other tribes' casinos. In other words, those poor Christian folks that made all those phone calls, screaming against gambling, were actually just promoting a different tribe's gambling enterprises.
Despite being paid by taxpayers who have a right to know, the Justice Department did not, in its press release, mention for which U.S. Senator Ms. Copland had worked while she was selling influence.
A quick Google search led me to a Wall Street Journal article that names the Senator: Thad Cochran, a Republican from Mississippi.
Of course he's a Republican: under Tom Delay's exclusive K Street Project, lobbyists like Abramoff made a point of targeting Republicans when seeking cooperation.
Mr. Delay's scheme was quite shortsighted. by helping his fellow Republicans hoard the corruption money, Delay increased the chances that Republicans would engage in corruption, get caught, and sully the GOP's reputation.
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