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« Obama Admin Says US Due Process Rights Inapplicable to Detainees at Bagram AFB; Pentagon Defends Guantanamo | Main | Wall Street Journal Goes Decades Back to Find Dirt on Bill Moyers »

February 22, 2009



Swiss "Right Wing" as Corrupt as American "Right Wing"? Probably more so. The Swiss are, like John Kerry, nuancing Europeans, nest-ce pas? But your answer, Deb, may also depend on exactly whom you consider to be the American "Right Wing".

Treasury Secretary Geithner, tax cheat, Right Winger? Lobbyist former Senate Majority Leader and tax-cheat HHS Secretary appointee Daschle, Right wing? Intern grope-and-poke perjurer President Clinton, and unindicted co-perjurer Hillary Clinton, already-undercut Secretary of State, Rightists? Accidentally-admitted perjurer and appointed Senator (for now) Burris, conservative? Tape-recorded perjurer and Senate-seat-seller Blagojevich, neocon?

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