by Damozel | That's it. That's the story. And here's the joke. Are you ready?
Comedy is so relative. If Jon Stewart had made the joke instead of Lieberman, I'd have laughed wryly. Here's why I'm not laughing now:
People aren't in "real danger" if you pull out their nails either or administer a very few selective burns to their hands or arms either. But most people would call that "torture," if -- say -- it were done to them. I wish Lieberman had Hitchens' courage to see for himself what the "psychological" impact of waterboarding really is. Though on second thought, no; Lieberman's comparatively stricken in years, and who knows if it might not be 'real danger' for him?
Which is my point here. But some people -- no matter the evidence -- won't let evidence in if it disagrees with their preconceived excuses.
Former Interrogator Still Tormented by Recollections of Practices Used in Iraq
Iraq Detainees Held in Small Crates
Hitchens: 'If Waterboarding Isn't Torture, There's No Such Thing as Torture'
Another Expert Explains Waterboarding to Congress (Updated)
Military Interrogator: Torture isn't Operationally Effective
US Military & Intelligence Officials Weigh in on Torture Issue (Deaf Ears Dept) (12-6-07)
Or are so morally depraved that they sincerely believe that torturing enemies is all right in a pinch.
As I said, waterboarding humor is relative. For funny jokes about waterboarding, this one's hard to beat:
Daschle Reportedly Dodged Taxes
Richest Got Richer and Faced Lower Tax Rates
Meanwhile Obama & Dodd Scold the Bastards Who Helped Themselves to Massive Taxpayer-Funded Bonuses ("Shame!")
Krugman Asks Why Obama is Not Following Through on Health Care & Progressive Stirling
Newberry has an Answer Dems Aren't Going to Like
Intimations of Failure for a Timid Stimulus Package (with Generous Tax Cuts for Those Who Still Have Income); Meanwhile, the Richest Continue to Enjoy the Lowest Effective Tax Rate Ever
House Judiciary Subpoenas Rove, Kudos to Conyers for Staying Focused on Accountability
House Passes Stimulus Bill, No Republicans Voted for It, and Why That's No Surprise
Director of National Intelligence Resigns
Citigroup Caves to Pressure Over Luxury Jet but Should Cut Executive Pay to Save Company and Jobs
Why don't you people get over this water-boarding issue. The vast majority of American support doing what it takes to get information from these rats even if you actually have to drown them in the process. Wait until the next attack comes and then dare to open your mouths--the public will pour water down your throats then. Am I guessing on this---not a chance and you all know I'm right. We live in a right of center country and thats the way it is. Keynesian policies will in the end, drive us more right, when people see the results. The Democrates are doomed to chase Keynesianism until they catch it just as Captain Ahab caught Moby Dick--sad isn't it!
Posted by: ron russell | February 02, 2009 at 07:14 PM
Um, ron?
Waterboarding has been declared torture ever since the Spanish Inquisition. We hanged Japanese for using it on American soldiers:
"Republican presidential candidate John McCain reminded people Thursday that some Japanese were tried and hanged for torturing American prisoners during World War II with techniques that included waterboarding.
"There should be little doubt from American history that we consider that as torture otherwise we wouldn't have tried and convicted Japanese for doing that same thing to Americans," McCain said during a news conference." (
Maybe the people you hang out with aren't quite as centrist as you think.
Posted by: Charles | February 07, 2009 at 12:23 AM