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« Defense Deptartment's Vague Statement on Prisoners Released from Guantanamo | Main | Cease Fire in Gaza: Only 1600 dead? »

January 18, 2009


Melanie Buswell

I am appalled at the indescretions, violations of law, and violations of US Constituion so prevelent under the Bush/Chenny Admisistration. Do I dare mention Ratheon, Haliburton, The Carlyle Group, wire-tapping, war without provocation, 911? The list is endless.

This country deserves to hold Bush/Chenny accountable for their actions. How many US military men & women lost their lives, limbs, and ability to function by serving in Iraq/Afghanistan?

Our country is in shambles with an economic crisis I attribute primarily to the deceit and corruption throughout our own government.

What president would allow foreign manufacturers to set up shop here in the US and reward them with tax breaks? What president would ignore trade imbalance with China?

Hold them accountable. I say take em to court.

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