Al Franken is the winner of the Minnesota Senate recount. Surprisingly, Franken’s numbers look better than they did before the Canvassing Board started in on the additional absentee ballots, which had been kept off the original totals due to clerical error. Despite the Coleman camp's strategy of moving to exclude large percentages of those absentee ballots originating from Blue counties, Franken’s final plurality actually increased after the remaining ballots were tabulated. The final tally margin of victory is said to be standing at around 225 votes, up from 49 before the absentee votes.
The official announcement will be made this afternoon by the board at 2 PM CT.
The next step will be up to the Coleman campaign, which can still file to contest the recount in court. Meanwhile, the Senate will have to decide whether to go ahead and seat Franken while legal action may still be underway.