by Teh Nutroots | Meanwhile, Obama is "decrying" as "shameful" the huge bonuses for Wall Street CEO's.
"There will be time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses," the clearly irritated president said. "Now's not that time. And that's a message that I intend to send directly to them."
Yeah, do that! Send them a message! The rest of us can point and jeer as they hang their heads in shame --- getting to keep all that money won't be any consolation at all.
Meanwhile also, Chris Dodd is on hand with a SCARY THREAT.
Obama's comments came on the same day that the Democratic chairman of the Senate Banking Committee threatened to bring before his committee any Wall Street executives who take big bonuses after their firms are propped up with public money.
"Whether it was used directly or indirectly, this infuriates the American people and rightly so," said Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.). "So I say to anyone else who does it: If you do it, I'm going to bring you before the committee." (WaPo; emphasis added)
What pisses me off is the qualifier: "anyone else who does it." What about the ones who already did? Why not go after them? Why?
Because Obama at least wasn't wrong about this:
What most of us aren't too stupid to understand is that this isn't only just happening now; it has been going on for months and that a huge number of people are apparently going to get away with it.
So YEAH. Also: AND....??????
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I agree with most of the article, but not all. For Dodd to say anything about this is a complete joke---where are the documents on his loan he promised us months ago. Until then shut-up Mr. Dodd. And Obama, its ok to point out the large bonuses some got--thats fine, but to complain about the profit system thats igorant. Where does the government get all the pork money if not from taxing profits or borrowing or just plain printing dollars. Obama I know you are a socialist, but don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg or you'll be left with an empty basket.
Posted by: Ron Russell | January 30, 2009 at 10:03 PM
Right on.
It would be appropriate to see a couple of the masters of the universe sitting before the Senate explaining exactly how they earned their millions in bonus money while losing hundreds of billions of their shareholders' (and the taxpayers') cash.
Then let's nationalize some of these failing banks before we have to pay even more for their bonuses. (That's drive the commenter above really crazy!).
Posted by: billkav | January 31, 2009 at 08:34 AM
Here's the trouble with your golden-egg argument:
First, bonuses do not get taxed as "profits" on the corporate; they are listed as expenses, calculated before profits, and therefore reduce a company's profits.
Second, given the tax law loopholes, many of the people looting the shareholder money pot (i.e., taking bonuses) don't pay income-tax rate on non-cash bonuses but instead pay the smaller capital-gains tax rates.
That said, I DO AGREE with you about Dodd's hypocrisy. He should be called a hypocrite for it!
On the other hand, I don't think that he should shut up, because us ordinary investors need big spotlights on the executive compensation issue if we are ever to see shareholder-friendly reforms.
Posted by: Deb | January 31, 2009 at 02:51 PM