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« "Unwavering" Disapproval for Bush | Main | Zimbabwe's Death Spiral »

January 17, 2009



RE: the "reason" why Buchanan and Bush administration pick Alice Martin are now refusing to leave: too many corrupt Dems need prosecuting!

Could be true. To start with, there's Rangel, Blago, Rezko, Biden's son, Kwame Kilpatrick, Madoff, Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, and those seven are just plucked from memory, sans research. And here's a bit of a history lesson:

You netnuts and the all-Democrat, print-and-broadcast media didn't care in 1993 about the Clinton administration's decision to ask for the resignation of all 93 U.S. attorneys. Yet you ululated like tribal Muslims over the Bush administration's replacing eight U.S. attorneys in late 2006 -- nearly two years after rejecting the idea of following the Clinton policy of replacing all the attorneys. Hard for me to take y'all seriously.


Oh, yeah, Treasury nominee Geithner failed to pay $34,000 in taxes from 2001 to 2004, too. And what can anyone tell me about New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson withdrawal from the Commerce nomination after questions surfaced about that ongoing federal investigation?


Hi Flowerplough,

Yes, Richardson should be fully investigated, and the Senate should think twice before approving Geithner.

It's NOT an either-or proposition, though: there are likely tons of corrupt Dems AND Republicans.

Finding names of potentially corrupt Dems doesn't erase the Cunninghams or Frists or Foggos or Stevens's or Doolittles or Renzis or or or....

The point is that the Justice Department is supposed to prosecute (or not) based on evidence, NOT based on political party.

The prosecutors that Damozel wrote about used political party as a deciding factor. That's wrong no matter who does it.

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