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« Intimations of Failure for a Timid Stimulus Package (with Generous Tax Cuts for Those Who Still Have Income); Meanwhile, the Richest Continue to Enjoy the Lowest Effective Tax Rate Ever | Main | Meanwhile Obama & Dodd Scold the Bastards Who Helped Themselves to Massive Taxpayer-Funded Bonuses ("Shame!") »

January 30, 2009



There are proposals to enhance COBRA being considered in Washington. One of the more interesting ones would allow workers who have been on a job at least ten years to continued their health insurance under COBRA until they reach the age of 65, however long that might take.


Is Obama chocking on his promises to the middle class? How can a Democratic President and Democratic Senate be stumped by a Republican house? I voted for Obama, but now I'm thinking that we needed a Bush-like democrat who takes charge and doesn't give in to the other side. I'm re-thinking my vote for Obama.

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