by Damozel | "The conservative former MTV VJ Kennedy," that is. Though the Great Man has a few words to say about Caroline as well:
Appointing Caroline Kennedy to the Senate would make the Hillary-haters happy, but I'm afraid it won't annoy Hillary enough. The few abbreviated press conferences Caroline has had, before her aides cut them off, showed that she isn't the most articulate Kennedy in the world. In a Senate committee hearing, Hillary would make mincemeat of her. But former MTV VJ Kennedy has had quite a lot of experience in the spotlight and is quite articulate. The woman who once simulated fellatio with her microphone while interviewing former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani would have no problem taking Hillary on....
I'm sure appointing Caroline Kennedy would make Hillary grit her teeth, but appointing a Republican washed-up former MTV VJ with even fewer credentials than Caroline would be a more satisfying slap in the face at Hillary. (Jon Swift)
Swift, whose record for correct predictions is discussed here, has some additional prognostications for 2009. Among them:
YouTube begins a crackdown on really crappy videos.
A tasty and nutritious new snack food imported from China called Soylent Green becomes wildly popular though no one is quite sure what's in it and the FDA says it doesn't have the resources to find out but trusts the Chinese government's safeguards....
Gay marriage activism fizzles as gays decide they would rather just live together instead of getting married, shocking and embarrassing their parents.
Sarah Palin is ridiculed when a man she has just pardoned is mistakenly executed right behind her as she is giving an interview about the pardon to local news media....
And most important:
Sanjay Gupta is Obama's Pick for Surgeon General; Some Progressives (Including this One)
Greet the Choice Without Enthusiasm and With Mild Grumbling
Eleven Gay Bars Targeted in Seattle Ricin Scare
Weighing in on Caroline...and on Unsung Senators
Some Not Happy with Obama's Pick for CIA Head
Poll: Caroline Kennedy Loses Ground Among NY Voters
Postscript on Franken Senate Victory: The Coming Court Challenge
Swift, Bold Action Required: Krugman
That Didn't Last Long: Bill Richardson Withdraws His Name as Commerce Secretary-Designate
Franken Wins Recount in Minnesota