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« Krugman Refutes GOP's Specious Arguments for Bush-Style Corporate Tax Cuts | Main | Bush is Gone, But We'll Still Have Kristol to Kick Around: Kristol Moves The Washington Post »

January 27, 2009



Who wants to join me in a class action lawsuit against Citi and the Government for incompetence? Bailouts for corportate jets is not where my tax dollars are supposed to be going.

Terri Podschweit

This is terrible. Why does the government give money to a company, without restrictions on how that money is to be used and require all companies that receive the money to dissolve all perks and unncessary purchases for the Executives? The government should also require all art as mentioned above planes, and any other luxuries to be sold. Without their employees, the Exuectives wouldn't have a job because they can't run a large company by themselves. If you are an Executive, you should care about doing what is right and ethical for your employees. The CEO's should do what is ethical and morally right and that is to get rid of all perks for themselves.

Buck Naked Politics


We certainly are of similar minds on this one.


You make a good point.


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