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January 19, 2009



Calculated Greenhouse Madness? As important as the Israeli Army's September,2005 withdrawal was to Israel itself, that disengagement from Gaza also presented both an opportunity and a test for the long-fledgling Palestinian Authority to prove itself a viable, responsible governing body. On this measure it has failed miserably.

Evidence of this failure has been apparent from the start, and is at the root of a multitude of mini-crises that have plagued the Palestinian polity since the withdrawal. To name but one is the fate of the greenhouses in Gaza. In an effort to provide the moribund Palestinian economy some vitality, a group of American philanthropists - mostly Jews - bought the greenhouses from the departing settlers for $14-million. They then donated the greenhouses and the 790 acres of sand dunes the settlers had turned into fertile farmland to the 1.3 million Palestinians in Gaza.

The promise of this national rehabilitation project have been dashed by widespread looting, attacks from Palestinians militant groups seeking to claim the territory and, of course, the on-going, rocket-firing attempts to re-provoke war with Israel.

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