As intensely preoccupied with gestures and imagery as many of our representatives in Congress seem to be, one would think that they would know better than to give themselves a raise any time in the foreseeable future.
McClatchy reports that our congressional representatives have received a $4,700 raise, starting yesterday. In the grand scheme, that money is chicken feed, but I cannot help thinking about Marie Antoinette and cake and such.
Our nation lost 1.2+ million jobs just from September through November. For some years now, corporate executives, en masse, have lined their own pockets while driving their companies into a ditch and cutting ordinary folks' jobs. That and our Congressional representatives may not be the best-paid individuals, but they're hardly poor.
In short, the symbolism of a Congressional rpay aise is downright imprudent at this point in time.
According to McClatchy, critics are already calling on Congress to rescind its raise. And if our Congresspeople do rescind their raises, then they can go on record making grand statements about how they, too, are tightening their belts.
If the raise goes through, members of Congress salaries will go up to $174,000: about $87 per hour, based on a 2000-hour work year (see this pdf). That would anger a lot of people who are lucky to make $25-$30 per hour, like those autoworkers whom executives have been pressuring to take salary cuts.
Maybe that's the strategy: get people upset about the seemingly needless congressional pay raise, then our Congresspeople can make a grand show -- before God and all the cameras -- of voting to rescind the raise.
Time'll tell: Congress comes back into session next week.
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Skeeze Whitlow
Dear Buck Naked,
As a former U.S. Capitol attendant, I offer you Senate Parking. A 100 thousand word novel about a multicultural crew of parking lot attendants who operate an escort service from the Senate lots. A good look at the underbelly of our law making process.
“Hill Intros” is the brainstorm of attendants unable to obtain employment within the confines of the Capitol. Senate Parking is the story of power structures, on a personal and national level. Done from the perspective of workers who see themselves without much chance of ‘making it’ in a culture of power drivers, Washington’s backdrop provides a tension all its own.
This book concerns every kind of shady deal for which the political arena is famous. Senate Parking is full of anecdotes which let freedom ring. I can provide you with a synopsis or with the complete manuscript – whatever you like. Either way, I’ll be in touch.
Skeeze Whitlow
Posted by: Skeeze Whitlow | January 02, 2009 at 06:57 AM
Skeeze Whitlow that's a charming proposal. It'll help a lot of people to find jobs because of the business that this proposal will bring in to Washington.
Posted by: Leeds Escort Agency | February 09, 2009 at 02:31 AM