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January 02, 2009


Skeeze Whitlow

Skeeze Whitlow

Dear Buck Naked,
As a former U.S. Capitol attendant, I offer you Senate Parking. A 100 thousand word novel about a multicultural crew of parking lot attendants who operate an escort service from the Senate lots. A good look at the underbelly of our law making process.
“Hill Intros” is the brainstorm of attendants unable to obtain employment within the confines of the Capitol. Senate Parking is the story of power structures, on a personal and national level. Done from the perspective of workers who see themselves without much chance of ‘making it’ in a culture of power drivers, Washington’s backdrop provides a tension all its own.
This book concerns every kind of shady deal for which the political arena is famous. Senate Parking is full of anecdotes which let freedom ring. I can provide you with a synopsis or with the complete manuscript – whatever you like. Either way, I’ll be in touch.

Skeeze Whitlow

Leeds Escort Agency

Skeeze Whitlow that's a charming proposal. It'll help a lot of people to find jobs because of the business that this proposal will bring in to Washington.

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