by Damozel | According to The Telegraph, he's being asked to do exactly that.
Desperate to see the US emulate the British Government and disclose reported "contact" with UFOs, the enthusiasts have written to Mr Obama to ask that his administration comes clean about the contents of America's "X-Files".
They believe they have good prospects of success after public statements of support from both John Podesta, who is running Mr Obama's White House transition team, and Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico - a UFO sighting hotspot - who is expected to secure a cabinet post.
In the letter to Mr Obama, the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Political Action Committee calls on the President-Elect to "end the six-decade truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race".
The group wants the incoming president to insist on a "full briefing from your military services and intelligence agencies regarding what they know" and to open congressional hearings "to take testimony from scores of government witnesses who have already come forward with extraordinary evidence and are prepared to testify under oath.
And---aha!---Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, "has written a forward to a book on the so-called Roswell Incident in New Mexico, where campaigners believe an alien spacecraft crash landed near the town of Roswell in 1947 and that the corpses of humanoid aliens have been kept hidden under lock and key by the government"---is calling for full disclosure. (Telegraph)
And, as Alan Colmes says, they might finally have a shot.
Well, I wish them every success. I love weird science. And I would like nothing better than to learn that the truth is out there. Maybe the human race could be scared into peaceful cooperation.
Fat Charlie the Archangel: "OK, OK, I admit it - I am at least a little bit curious to know what (if anything) the government has been hiding for the last 61 years....
Still … you do wanna know, dontcha?"
Justin Gardner: "Well, Obama is a trekkie after all. Beam the files up, Scotty."
Memeorandum has other blogger reactions here.
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