by Teh Nutroots | Um, no. No---until such time as you can show me the tape where Rahmbo offers to bargain with Blago for the seat and show that he did so with Obama's approval---it ain't gonna be persuasive no matter how many times you bang on that drum.
I don't have any love at all for Emanuel, but this is the stupidest, lamest "scandal" in the history of scandals and one more instance of how "guilt by association" is good enough for the right and the media if they can't find any other guilt. Here's one report:
So what? Show me the money! The money! Tell me where he said, "President Obama has authorized me to say he will appoint you for this, that, or the other lucrative post" or "Here's what's in it for you, according to Obama."
As far as I can tell, Emanuel did what's usually done. So show me the corrupt offer to exchange political favor for the appointment. No?
Jarrett was initially interested in the U.S. Senate post before Obama tapped her to be a White House senior adviser, sources say.
The disclosure comes days after Obama's camp downplayed Jarrett's interest in the post.
At one point, an "emissary" who said he represented Jarrett had discussions with Blagojevich chief of staff John Harris and the governor about naming Jarrett to the post, according to a criminal complaint.
In addition to the discussions, Emanuel submitted a list of names of
candidates suitable to the Obama team to the governor's administration.
Jarrett was not among those names because she had pulled herself out of
the running at that point, a source with the Obama camp said. (Chi S-T)
Still no offer---just indicia that the Obama team had a preferred candidate. And we know what Blago thought about them and their candidate.
This is what the piece's author calls "a sticky situation" for Obama, who is now expected---by the anxious, angry right wing and certain media figures--- to prove the absence of wrongdoing.
Emanuel's discussions do not indicate he was involved in dealmaking with the governor. However, his deeper involvement creates a sticky political situation for Obama. (Chi S-T; emphasis added)
Why? Because Obama didn't already know about Emanuel's reputation?
He knew. Even my mom knew.
But as for any indication that Obama is implicated through Emanuel in this scandal....Fitzgerald discussed Obama's "involvement" already.
A few days ago, Fitzy said in plain words:
"I should make clear, the complaint makes no allegations about the president-elect whatsoever," Fitzgerald said. "We make no allegations that he's aware of anything, and that's as simply as I can put it. . . .
"There's no reference in the complaint to any conversations involving the president-elect or indicating that the president-elect was aware of it. And that's all I can say."
Legal experts said it was unusual for a prosecutor to make such a blanket statement while an investigation was continuing.
"That carries a great deal of weight," said Jan Witold Baran, a Washington lawyer who represents politicians on ethical complaints and campaign finance matters. "It is really unusual for a U.S. attorney to say someone is not implicated.
"Could evidence pop up in the future to the contrary? Sure, it's possible. Is it likely? I think that, based on what he said yesterday, the answer is no," Baran added.(NYT)
And that ain't all, of course.
Conservatives (and many in the media)
are trying every which way to link Obama to Blagojevich’s corruption
scandal even though absolutely no evidence exists to suggest such a
link....In fact, Fitzgerald himself advised against such actions, warning to “not cast aspersions on people for being named or being discussed” in the criminal complaint against Blagojevich. (Think Progress)
As for Emanuel, hands up anyone who didn't think already that he is a player?
Best concise summing up so far is still from The Toot.
Obama is doomed. Fitzgerald’s blunt exculpatory remarks will prove a fatal blow to the now still-born Obama administration.
It’s like the reverse of Bush-induced scandal fatigue whereby an administration can commit outrageous war crimes, shred the Constitution, out covert CIA operatives as political payback, etc. to a stubbornly disinterested media (until Katrina at least), but Obama not having done anything wrong other than be a Democrat from a state in which a Democratic governor is in trouble for trying to sell a senate seat vacated by Obama is damning evidence of serious malfeasance that demands opprobrium/non-stop coverage and faux-linkage.
Or this guy :
Before you moan at me implying I'm in favor of some sort of cover-up, do yourself a favor and read this piece by Daniel Larison.
The most interesting comment on Rahm's involvement, such as it is, in the scandal comes from Marc Ambinder, who argues that his current appearance of weakness is what emboldened Pelosi to tell him (and the executive branch) to sod off and let Congress handle Congress's business. I thought that was awesome, though I don't know if I buy the argument that it was only because of his current embarrassments that Pelosi felt able to stand up to him.
The Politico's John Bresnahan has written a great story about how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put the screws to her former House colleague, Rahm Emanuel, informing him that she did not need his advice about leadership elections and, most dramatically, demanding that the White House account for every conversation it has with Pelosi's members.
The story makes Pelosi look formidable and Rahm look like a creampuff....
[I]n the wake of the Blagojevich revelations, Rahm's public standing is as weak right now as it's ever going to get. He's been portrayed as knee-deep in the Blagojevich corruption case, although there's no indication he did anything wrong or even suspicious. Cameras are chasing him all across Chicagoland, and he is hiding from them; and given the investigation, he is in the un-Rahm-ian position of not being able to comment. Right now -- and only right now -- no one's afraid of Mr. Emanuel. He can't fight back....
[O]nce Rahm becomes the chief of staff, he'll be one of the strongest in recent memory -- probably stronger than Don Regan or H.R. Haldeman. Like Haldeman was to Richard Nixon, Emanuel will be first among equals to Obama. He'll be scary again, and no one will be able to dish about him without facing consequences. To borrow a wrestling analogy, Pelosi claimed a receipt on Emanuel after all those stories about Obama selected Rahm in part to make deals with Democrats around her back.
The real story behind this story is not even about Pelosi and Rahm; it's about the battle for the hearts and minds of rank and file Democrats, who will face four-way cross-pressures from the White House, their constituents, the Republicans and their party leadership in Congress.
This I have no trouble believing.
Meanwhile, Obama says he is "frustrated" at having to wait till next week to clear up whatever questions there may be, and Rahmbo? Still smiling----creepily smiling, if you believe this:
"It's a little bit frustrating. There has been a little bit of speculation in the press that I would like to correct immediately. We are abiding by the request of the U.S. Attorney's office," Obama said. "But it's not going to be that long. By next week, you guys will have the answers to all of your questions."
As Obama spoke, his....chief of staff designate Rahm Emanuel watched from the margins of the room.....Emanuel, who was checking a message on his Blackberry when the question was asked, smiled in faint amusement, put the Blackberry away and watched the rest of Obama's response with his legs crossed at his ankles, arms crossed and a single finger pressed across his lips. He was still smiling. (Politico)
Rahm reminds me, and not in a good way---because there ARE no good ways---of Alistair Campbell, Blair's "fixer" and hatchet man. I'd have preferred to see Obama choose somebody, or anybody, else. But I'm not prepared without more to assume Rahm was doing anything more than working the party angle.
But since I never had any illusions about Obama as the Great Bringer of Change to DC Politics, I'm not especially bothered that he chose Emanuel. If he sees that Emanuel is implicated in anything, he'll kick Emanuel to the curb so fast you won't see anything but a streak of light. Obama's a pragmatist and has a ruthless streak, which are two things I like about him. I don't think we'll see the sort of "loyalty" and protection of wrongdoers that we saw during the Bush administration.
Meanwhile---YES. By all means, let's have an end to the email solicitations and offers for mugs, T-shirts, bumper stickers, etc.
Was Jackson Working with the Government in the Blago Case?
Wingnuts Want Answers! What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?!!!!!!!