by Deb Cupples | According to CNN, 60% of Americans surveyed are against a taxpayer-funded bailout of the Big 3 automakers. I'm not sure where I stand. Also, I know very little about the technology required to solve our nation's energy problems.
Still, I'm intrigued by ideas that a Buck Naked Politics reader brought up in the comments section regarding an auto industry bailout and our energy crisis. I thought I'd share those comments in this post:
"Fuel efficient cars - most are saying the future is plug in electric cars, which would be fine (I like electric golf carts low noise, no exhaust).
"In any case, my observation is this. Say the Big 3 had been delivering electric cars for past 3 years. LA has brownouts every summer and NY has blackouts and we're assuming suburban power grids can handle the extra load? USA does NOT posses a power grid in which to "FUEL" these cars today. Not in mass scale...."
"I suggest as a string on these loans that each Big 3 [company] be required to diversify into solar energy merging with an existing solar provider (auto has the labor and distribution network already in place) and we add solar equipment to every available household near any Big 3 dealership now -- so when the electric cars do come out, we'll be able to actually power them.
"Why is no one seeing this? All of that auto industrial capacity sitting there idle... and we could diversify this industry to create energy NOW while getting the autos out when, so that plugging in your car doesn't blow out your neighbor's power next door.
"Distribution and grid capacity, people. Diversification. There is a win/win here.
"Everyone's so "vertical" industry minded and the globe is spherical -- interconnected. We're competing with the globe and we could use this "crisis" as a bridge to start merging this gap in energy as well as auto.
"AND while American commodities are low, it would be an ideal time to get contracts for raw materials going on this. Win/win/win."
Interesting food for thought! Memeorandum has commentary. Other Buck Naked Politics Posts: * Jeb Eyes Senate Run: Haven't the Bushes Done Enough to us Taxpayers? * Somebody Please Take the Economy Away from Mr. Paulson (Pt. 2)
* Bailouts Redistribute Wealth Upwards
* Cutting Executive Pay Would Save Jobs
* Paulson's Op-Ed: Specious Statements and Omissions
* Are Bailout Funds Being Misused?
* Execs Made Millions While Driving Companies into Ditch