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« More Evidence of Bush Administration Untruths re: Iraq | Main | Cybergate Part ####: Rove's IT Man (and a Key Witness in Ohio Voter Tampering Case) Killed Friday in a Solo Plane Crash »

December 24, 2008


barbara sampley

Two corrections to your facts:

1. Henry Waxman made it clear that he didn't have time or the priority (since the world was falling down around out ears when he came to power) to impeach Bush and Cheney, but the plan was to build a case for a special prosecutor to be assigned after their tenure had ended. Holding them responsible is essential unless we expect to lay the foundation for more of the same.To do otherwise is to take the position their kind know best - street fighting.

2. Nancy Pelosi has said repeatedly that there was too much damage to repair to make impeachment a priority, even though richly deserved and easy to prove. First we survive their tenure.

One of the worst crimes committed against the American public has been the undermining of our greatest institutions, i.e., the Constitution, by what the Reps called "public relations" - a throwing out of the idea that there was such a thing as truth and that objectivity was to be held as a goal. They accomplished their goal remarkably well with the establishment of thousands of fm radio stations across the country dedicated to this purpose. Anything short of telling the whole truth is adding to their most heinous offense.

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