by Damozel | Yes, it's a bit previous. But let's hear what Bush wants you to remember about him. It starts out pretty modestly, but goes on from there.
Someone who didn’t sell his soul to the political process.
Somebody who liberated 50 million people and helped achieve peace. (Reuters)
Wait, there's more.
Asked about his “No Child Left Behind” education law, Bush called it one of the “significant achievements of my administration.” (Reuters)
Laura also weighed in. For her it's the liberation of women in Afghanistan. (The Caucus)
On the score of Bush and his legacy generally, Matt Yglesias remarks:
Meanwhile, it’s worth recalling that at the peak of his political power, when Bush was making his most disastrous decisions, conservatives not only thought he was a good president, but a great one. There was practically a line around the block to write paens to his genius.
Which is the part of his legacy I will not fail to remember.
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