by Teh Nutroots | So it seems. But will Lieberman get spanked? Does it surprise you as much as it does me that we have to wait and see?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will likely meet later this week with Joe Lieberman to discuss whether the Democrat-turned-Independent will be stripped of his Senate committee chairmanship, a senior Democratic leadership aide tells CNN.
Lieberman currently chairs the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. (CNN)
Apparently Reid is just not sure. Apparently Senate Dems, as opposed to the rest of us, aren't as angry that Lieberman campaigned for McCain as they are about the things he said about Obama at the Republican convention.
I understand the political considerations behind keeping him hanging on. They say he usually, or often, or often enough, votes with Dems on issues that don't raise his hawk hackles. I don't care. I want them to kick him to the curb. The Dems didn't get the Senate landslide we were hoping for. I still don't care.
Quoting Lieberman's "let's let bygones be bygones statement"from earlier today---
I sincerely congratulate President-elect Obama for his historic and impressive victory. America remains a nation of extraordinary opportunity and the American people are a people of extraordinary fairness. Now that the election is over, it is time to put partisan considerations aside and come together as a nation to solve the difficult challenges we face and make our blessed land stronger and safer. I pledge to work with President-elect Obama and his incoming Administration in their efforts to reinvigorate our economy and keep our nation secure and free. ---
Steve Benen says:
I think it became apparent to Lieberman, about a week or so ago, that he bet on the wrong horse. He is, however, about two years too late.
I loved the line about putting "partisan considerations aside" now that the election is over....
This is the same Lieberman who argued that Obama doesn't put "country first"; who thought it was a "good question" to ask whether Obama is a "Marxist"; and who appeared at the Republican National Convention to falsely smear Obama as having tried to undermine U.S. troops.
Speaking only for myself---other BN-Politics writers may beg to differ---I agree with this commenter at Political Animal:
I pledge to work with President-elect Obama and his incoming Administration in their efforts to reinvigorate our economy and keep our nation secure and free."
Good. You can start by mopping the floor.
And also I agree with AMERICAblog, which speaks even more bluntly to this issue:
Seriously, I can't even believe we're having this discussion. What kind of spineless party are we, that we're even discussing whether Lieberman should be punished....What does someone have to do to "cross the line" for the current pack of Democrats in the Senate? What are we going to do when Lieberman starts using his committee chairmanship to undercut Democratic legislation and to hold public investigations of the Obama administration?
You don't campaign with the Republican presidential nominee, keynote his convention, then return to the fold....Lieberman betrayed our party and our nominee. It's time to show some spine, and show Traitor Joe the door.
We've got Joe Biden. Dems don't need Joe Lieberman, Joe Sixpack, or Joe the Plumber---all repudiated, some of us think, by the outcome of this election.
Memeorandum has more.
Let him go and beat Pelosi!
Posted by: Susan | November 05, 2008 at 09:59 PM