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November 21, 2008



The fact that Obama was a pragmatist is fine and not unexpected. So, I'm not surprised or too upset at various expressions of that.

But, a "uniter" is not fungible and he is a "uniter" from the (center) left. This justifies his base to expect a few somethings, "bones" if you like, and not to be totally disrespected too often.

I didn't expect him to go against Lieberman this time around, for instance. But, he in effect supported him (this is what "I don't mind" meant in the real world); why not just say "that's the Senate's call" and end it there? And as Glenn Greenwald notes, the potential CIA pick crosses a line too.

And, a "uniter" will have a few clear libs in his Cabinet. I expect a few. HHS makes sense.

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