by Damozel | In the midst of an excess of right-wing fear, screeching of imprecations and defiance, and generalized impotent raging, blogger/satirist/sensible conservative Jon Swift is bearing the blow philosophically. As he so truly says, "Electing a Scary Black Man President Isn't the End of the World."
For years conservatives have been saying that racism doesn’t exist anymore. The election of Barack Obama proves we were right all along. Throughout the campaign we reminded people at every opportunity that while it might be frightening that Obama is a socialist who pals around with terrorists, probably wasn’t born in this country and is secretly a Muslim, it made no difference whatsoever that he was black.... [I]n the end no matter what we threw at Obama, white people voted for him anyway. So with the election of Obama conservatives have been vindicated.
Swift is sanguine about the future:
Obama’s epic fail of an administration will make President Bush’s term look brilliant by comparison. Unfortunately, President Bush has not gotten the respect and appreciation he deserves for keeping America safe after 9/11, protecting all of our other cities besides New Orleans and keeping our economy strong until the financial crisis...I don’t know how much an Obama administration will have to screw up to make the Bush Administration look good, but we can all keep our fingers crossed. (Jon Swift)
And he commends the restraint and dignity of the brave keyboardists of the far right blogosphere:
If there is one thing that distinguishes conservatives from liberals it’s that we don’t believe in demonizing our opponents unless it’s absolutely necessary..... “McCain lost honorably, as he wanted. I guess that's what really matters in the end,” Ace of Spades wrote after the results came. Ace of Spades never lost his honor or dignity even as he did his best to warn Americans that they were about to elect someone who was “the same kind of socialist race hustler as Jesse Jackson,” was so close to terrorists that one even wrote his book for him and had a mistress that the mainstream media refused to report on no matter how much he tried to push the story. Now Ace and his "moronbloggers," as they call themselves, will lead the way in showing why conservatives are better than liberals. “I love this country too much to do to President-Elect Obama what the left did to President Bush, John McCain and Sarah Palin. We’re better than that,” wrote Ace’s co-blogger Slublog. “Demonization is not essential to opposition.” Conservatives can try other things, too. (Jon Swift)
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