by Damozel | Somebody's getting beaten back and forth like a pinata. He doesn't look happy, does he? Nope.
US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability Neel Kashkari is grilled by Congressional Committee members Dennis Kucinich and Elijah Cummings after Secretary Paulson reveals a major change in the use of TARP funds which appear to many as a bait-and-switch.(
HuffPost comments:
Amid complaints about a lack of transparency in use of bailout funds, changing horses midstream and playing guessing games to save the US economy, Congress slammed Kashkari -- who has already appeared uncomfortable answering questions -- for his performance thus far.
Kashkari: It's what's for breakfast.
More Sleight of Hand re: Bailout Funds?
Waxman Wants Executive Pay Data from Banks Getting Bailout Funds
Are Bailout Funds Being Misused?Cutting Executive Pay Would Save Jobs
Lehman Execs Redistribute Shareholder Wealth (to Themselves)