Or Neiman-Marcus?
While wingnuts looooove Sarah Palin, most of the rest of the country seems ready to bid her farewell. She herself seems determined to overstay her welcome. Some people just don't know when it's time to leave.
According to several reports, the Guild of Republican Govs didn't show any great enthusiasm for her.(DN) The consensus appears to be that she's "sucking up all the media oxygen." (HuffPost) Sadly for them, she is Sarah Palin. They are not. She's the darling of the base and Queen, King, and Jack of Alaska, and they're just interchangeable pasty middle-aged men in suits.
Over three-quarters of Republicans would like to see the former vice-presidential nominee and current governor of Alaska become a major national political figure in the years ahead, in sharp contrast to the 43% of independents and 20% of Democrats who share that attitude. (Gallup)
I reckon those 20% of Dems want her to lead the party for the same reason I do: to ensure that Democrats remain in charge for at least the next eight years.
Oh, sure Republicans like her. Last week, 64% of Republicans wanted her to run in 2012, according to Rasmussen. That led Paul Begala to quip, 'yeah, and 100% of Democrats'.
So, she can stick around if Republicans want her to. But when she does (and not every Republican is falling over them self in encouragement), the media is going to have to adjust to the fact that what the minority party wants isn't determinative in American politics these days.
Ha ha ha! True.
Still, it's a bit sad for all the other governors at the meeting. Just in case you didn't get the picture, Jonathan Martin says: "Palin was on stage with 13 other Republican governors — all men — who received zero attention from the assembled crowd."
The GTL says:
As we all know, there isn’t a gub’nor or senator in the land who doesn’t stand before the mirror every morning as they straighten their red (or blue) “power ties” muttering to themselves, “Hello, Mr. (or Ms.) President.” over and over as they try to make “presidential” faces to themselves just before heading off to
workcommit their high crimes and misdemeanors against America…According to CNN’s Political Ticker, their official wrap-up Press conference at the GOP Gubo-Nator’s Associated was filled with muffled sobs and sniffles as the reporters focused almost SOLELY upon the only governor in the land who is able to say she “can see Russia and Canada from her dining room window..."
The Heretik, who has a video you can look at, asks: "Is twelve minutes with Sarah Palin ten minutes too much?"
No: twelve minutes too much.
Is Hillary Under Consideration for Secretary of State?
Update: Felon Ted Stevens is 814 Votes Behind Challenger in Alaska Senate Race
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Poll Shows Strong Public Support for Incoming Democratic Government
Heya; really, REALLY appreciate the linkie-luv from you guys as always :-)
Thanks again so much and keep up the great work you do over here :-)
Posted by: The GTL™ | November 14, 2008 at 11:23 AM
move to beverly - lol the title is classic
Posted by: rawdawg | November 14, 2008 at 11:33 AM