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November 30, 2008



Too many drugs and products have come to market bearing pedigrees which imply that they've been clinically tested, through peer review, and through rigorous FDA evaluation. And then after millions of people use the product, it proves dangerous or even deadly. Bummer!

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A toxic chemical used to seal glass jars of baby food has been seeping into the product.
Manufacturers have been ordered to ensure that the contamination is reduced.

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I am beginning to really lose all faith and credibility in the FDA. It seems to me that instead of focusing their efforts on protecting the general public they are in-turn being influenced by corporate agenda and special interest. I take everything they say with a grain of salt.

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Hello ohh no that is terrible toxic baby food i can believe it how i¡this can happened there is no people check up this ,we need to make new regulations against this type of situations .

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i think that the media need to mind their own business and not pry into the sex lives and private lives of famous people. I am sure if they became famous they would not want that plasters everywhere for the world to see their private lives.

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Im really beginning to believe to what is happening right now in the government.

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It is injustice that baby food with toxic chemicals. This is not fair. Arrange the scrutiny of those companies who mixed toxic chemical with baby food.

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