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November 13, 2008


H. Green, MD

The Call to Action/Health Care Reform 2009 proposal released 11/13/08
( by Senator Max Baucus is a disaster.
The Baucus plan is an expansion and continuation of the status-quo
mixture of a government subsidized ineffective private health
maintenance insurance industry operating parallel to and within Medicare

7 Specific Reasons Why the Baucus Health Reform 2009 Plan Fails.....

1) The Baucus plan fails to enroll all Americans in a single payer
National Health Insurance such as the most efficient health insurance
plan (Medicare) which is already contracted with most doctors,
hospitals and clinics in the Country. Medicare has the lowest operating
expenses and the best morbidity (sickness rates) and mortality (death
rates) compared to all other insurance companies. The Baucus plan will
therefore divert $700 Billion to $1 Trillion per year away from
patients, hospitals, doctors, clinics, nurses, pharmaceuticals,
therapist and researchers into the overhead pockets of health private
insurance company administrators and executives.

2) The Baucus plan fails to technologically upgrade, integrate and
centralize medical billing and records systems in order to optimize
examination of clinical outcomes, pharmaceutical efficacies and monitor
fraud and abuse. In addition, by failing to centralize and
technologically upgrade billing and records systems within a single
National Health Insurance plan, America will be unable to instantly
monitor disease outbreaks and instantly respond to natural and man made
disasters or bio-nuclear terrorism..

3) The Baucus plan fails to control drug costs by failing to allow a
single efficient national health insurance company such as Medicare to
bid on pharmaceuticals. In addition, the Baucus plan by failing to put
all Americans on a National Health Insurance Plan such as Medicare does
little to shrink the 'risk pool' of insured, thereby failing to decrease
insurance premium expenses for all Americans.

4) The Baucus plan fails to provide funding for scientific, clinical and
epidemiological research and development by allowing private private
insurance companies to divert funds from medical research and
development to instead support their massive and profitable
administrative and executive bureaucratic overheads.

5) The Baucus plan fails to provide physicians with the same legal
protection from malpractice lawsuits which have been established for
commercial health insurance corporations during the last 3 decades.

6) The Baucus plan fails to explain where to find the 1.5 million new
health care workers which will be needed once 100 million new Americans
obtain health care insurance. Health care workers can be found easily by
shutting down the wasteful and inefficient private health insurance
companies, putting all Americans on National Health Insurance such as
Medicare. The 1.5 million former private insurance company bureaucrats
can then be reemployed to actually deliver health care in hospitals,
clinics, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, pharmacies and home
health services such as Alzheimer family assistance.

7) The Baucus Plan fails to address this problem of disenfranchised
physicians. Many physicians in this country have left the practice of
medicine, or downsized their practices due to private insurance company
abuses, malpractice threats and direct pharmaceutical marketing. A
recent national poll of physicians based on the AMA database
demonstrated that 60% of physicians support a single payer National
Health Insurance such as Medicare. A continuation and technological
upgrading of our most fair Medicare Health Insurance for all based on
the concepts outlined above would undoubtedly motivate those
disenfranchised physicians to return to the profession and bright
younger physicians to invigorate the field.

The Baucus plan is wasteful, inefficient, fragmented, creates a new
redundant bureaucracy and will continue to provide no potential future
health improvements for America. Only an efficient National Health
Insurance carrier such as a technologically upgraded Medicare Insurance
company will be able to provide low cost health insurance and pharmaceuticals
for all Americans while maintaining the quality of private physician practices and Hospitals.


H. Green, MD

The Call to Action/Health Care Reform 2009 proposal released 11/13/08
( by Senator Max Baucus is a disaster.
The Baucus plan is an expansion and continuation of the status-quo
mixture of a government subsidized ineffective private health
maintenance insurance industry operating parallel to and within Medicare

7 Specific Reasons Why the Baucus Health Reform 2009 Plan Fails.....

1) The Baucus plan fails to enroll all Americans in a single payer
National Health Insurance such as the most efficient health insurance
plan (Medicare) which is already contracted with most doctors,
hospitals and clinics in the Country. Medicare has the lowest operating
expenses and the best morbidity (sickness rates) and mortality (death
rates) compared to all other insurance companies. The Baucus plan will
therefore divert $700 Billion to $1 Trillion per year away from
patients, hospitals, doctors, clinics, nurses, pharmaceuticals,
therapist and researchers into the overhead pockets of health private
insurance company administrators and executives.

2) The Baucus plan fails to technologically upgrade, integrate and
centralize medical billing and records systems in order to optimize
examination of clinical outcomes, pharmaceutical efficacies and monitor
fraud and abuse. In addition, by failing to centralize and
technologically upgrade billing and records systems within a single
National Health Insurance plan, America will be unable to instantly
monitor disease outbreaks and instantly respond to natural and man made
disasters or bio-nuclear terrorism..

3) The Baucus plan fails to control drug costs by failing to allow a
single efficient national health insurance company such as Medicare to
bid on pharmaceuticals. In addition, the Baucus plan by failing to put
all Americans on a National Health Insurance Plan such as Medicare does
little to shrink the 'risk pool' of insured, thereby failing to decrease
insurance premium expenses for all Americans.

4) The Baucus plan fails to provide funding for scientific, clinical and
epidemiological research and development by allowing private private
insurance companies to divert funds from medical research and
development to instead support their massive and profitable
administrative and executive bureaucratic overheads.

5) The Baucus plan fails to provide physicians with the same legal
protection from malpractice lawsuits which have been established for
commercial health insurance corporations during the last 3 decades.

6) The Baucus plan fails to explain where to find the 1.5 million new
health care workers which will be needed once 100 million new Americans
obtain health care insurance. Health care workers can be found easily by
shutting down the wasteful and inefficient private health insurance
companies, putting all Americans on National Health Insurance such as
Medicare. The 1.5 million former private insurance company bureaucrats
can then be reemployed to actually deliver health care in hospitals,
clinics, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, pharmacies and home
health services such as Alzheimer family assistance.

7) The Baucus Plan fails to address this problem of disenfranchised
physicians. Many physicians in this country have left the practice of
medicine, or downsized their practices due to private insurance company
abuses, malpractice threats and direct pharmaceutical marketing. A
recent national poll of physicians based on the AMA database
demonstrated that 60% of physicians support a single payer National
Health Insurance such as Medicare. A continuation and technological
upgrading of our most fair Medicare Health Insurance for all based on
the concepts outlined above would undoubtedly motivate those
disenfranchised physicians to return to the profession and bright
younger physicians to invigorate the field.

The Baucus plan is wasteful, inefficient, fragmented, creates a new
redundant bureaucracy and will continue to provide no potential future
health improvements for America. Only an efficient National Health
Insurance carrier such as a technologically upgraded Medicare Insurance
company will be able to provide low cost health insurance and pharmaceuticals
for all Americans while maintaining the quality of private physician practices and Hospitals.


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