by Teh Nutroots | First of all, what about the rumors that the anti-Palin movement was initiated by supporters of Romney who saw her as a 2012 threat? Ambinder musters them and debunks them, sort of. Whoever started the Palin blame-game, it can't be laid at the door of the Romney faction (or not exclusively).
Meanwhile, Palin is complaining about the cruelty and cowardice of her critics.
Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska fired back Friday at the unnamed McCain campaign aides who have been maligning her in recent days, saying that their criticism was “cruel and it’s mean-spirited, it’s immature, it’s unprofessional, and those guys are jerks.” (NYT; emphasis added)
Ha ha ha. Love it! Sarah Palin: self-satirizer.
She also said: "“I know that I know that I know that there was nothing done wrong in the campaign." (NYT) Perhaps by now she also knows that she knows that we know she is what she is: toxic, inherently and systemically, like a poisoned Tootsie Roll Pop. Too bad McCain couldn't see past the delicious candy coating.
Who can wonder that the nation's comics are suffering a bad case of buyer's remorse? There's a good piece at MediaBloodhound distilling their private anguish.
Chris Rock complains that Obama has "disenfranchised an entire nation of comedians."
Tragically, it is true. Jon Stewart reportedly said to his staff:
"We had Grandpa Cranky McCrazyPants and Sarah f**king Palin! Now we're stuck with Obama! There's nothing funny about him! It's like cracking jokes about Lincoln following his Gettysburg Address!...Goddamn America's good fortune!" (Media Bloodhound)
David Letterman said:
"Let's face it....George W. Bush was comedic welfare. None of us really had to work very hard.... McCain and Palin, as a team, would've kept those comedy welfare checks flowing. But the gravy train is over now....The usually unflappable Letterman paused, choking back a tear. (Media Bloodhound)
Colbert also is suffering anticipatory grief over the loss of the unending material supplied by the Bush regime and its would-be successors.
"I knew I'd miss Bush, but I thought I could rely on McCain-Palin and the millions of bile-filled, pitch-fork-waving, infuriatingly ignorant and virulently racist bat-shit crazy Americans to maintain comedic stability in the White House." Colbert removed his glasses and wiped fresh tears from his eyes, then added, "I was wrong. I never realized how much hope, goodwill and reality-based thinking can damage comedy." (Media Bloodhound)
As to the post-campaign serial malignment re-alignment, McCain doesn't endorse the back-and-forthing, by the way. (NYT)
Ms. Palin fought back after the infighting had made its way up to Senator John McCain, who made it clear that that he was upset by the back and forth, and ordered his campaign workers to stop it, aides said. Some in the staff worried that questioning the qualifications of the woman Mr. McCain had chosen as his running mate was damaging his reputation.
Ms. Palin said that her experience made her realize how brutal national politics could be. And she had some pungent criticism of the national news media, saying that there had been some bad apples in the bunch.
“For the most part, absolutely, media persons, reporters, have been absolutely right on and there has been fairness and objectivity,” she said. “There have been some stinkers, though, who have kind of made the whole basket full of apples, once in a while, smell kind of bad.” (NYT)
Despite her warm reception by the "real Americans" in the lower 48, she had a pungent observation or two about our unevolved, pre-Alaskan status.
Palin complained that the other 49 states “aren’t quite there” like Alaska because they don’t allow the same “equal opportunities and equal treatment.”(NYT)
Interestingly, with respect to allegations of diva-like behavior and excessive use of others' credit cards, she also claimed:
“I never asked for anything more than maybe a Diet Dr. Pepper once in a while.” (Think Progress)
Which is interesting because Palin-enabler Nicole Wallace said almost the same thing, in identical words:
Nicolle Wallace, a senior McCain campaign aide who worked with Ms. Palin, defended her Friday on NBC’s “Today.” “She is perhaps the most un-diva politician I’ve ever seen,” Ms. Wallace said. “The only thing I’ve ever seen her ask for is a diet soda.”(NYT)
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they used the exact same words. Meanwhile, others who had to work with Palin tell a very different story. I'm thinking that the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but who knows where that is anymore?
And contra her claims of Alaskan racial equality, Crooks and Liars has some news about her less-than-warm relations with African-Americans and other minorities.
Memeorandum has bloggity bzzzzzz.
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