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November 16, 2008



When I read the story last night about the increase in hate crimes, I was thoroughly disgusted. After reading your post, I became even more so. When people were saying that Obama's win proves that America wasn't a racist country, I was like, "that might be true, but there are still pockets of racism in this country". Apparently, those pockets are pretty deep.

Hannity, Michelle Malkin, and many of the other right-wing cheerleaders have proven that they have no shame in regards to letting their hate/fear mongering spread like wildfire.

george waring

I'm so glad the Brits are still telling the US how to do things. How about Prime Minister Obama while the love fest is still going strong. Two corrects whit your thoughts , here in the US, elected officials are public servants, not leaders and two, Obama is only 25% black, the rest being white and Arab.

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