by Deb Cupples | If ever there were a night worthy of bubbles, it was last night. So, I opened a bottle of champagne and fixed a mimosa. I didn't sip it straight, because I needed my RDA of vitamin C.
We Americans made history last night by electing our first black president, but it's far more than that. Americans have awakened, horrified by what they've grown accustomed to over the last eight years, and they've roared their demand for changes in how America does business.
Our nation faces crises on many fronts -- among the most frightening being the economic crises, which grew partly out of the Bush Administration's and congressional Republican's anti-regulation (i.e., anti-accountability) policies.
In recent weeks, John McCain and Republican operatives (along with non-thinking media folks) screamed about how Obama would make things worse by "re-distributing" wealth.
Yes, the shriekers certainly were blind to irony, given that $700 billion in taxpayer wealth has just been re-distributed to corporations and the reckless executives who drove said corporations and our economy into a ditch.
Reassuringly enough, the shrieks did not faze most most already-frightened voters. They showed up at the polls and voted for Obama anyway.
In short, millions of Americans have gotten past the eight-year fog of specious talking points and deceptive spin: they recognize that our nation has real problems requiring real solutions. They're sick and tired of business-as-usual. And they see Barack Obama as the guy who'll help effect change.
Yesterday's election also shows that Americans are ready to clean house in Congress.
In my neck of the woods (Florida), Bush-style incumbent Republican Congressmen Tom Feeney lost to Democrat Suzanne Kosmas. Bush-style incumbent Republican Ric Keller lost to Democrat Alan Grayson.
In North Carolina, old-guard incumbent Republican Senator Elizabeth Dole lost to Democrat Kay Hagan -- even after Sen. Dole ran a nasty, Bush-Rove-style campaign.
In Connecticut, incumbent Republican Senator Chris Shays (who repeatedly chastised Democrats on the House Oversight Committee for daring to effect oversight on Bush Administration officials) lost to Democrat Jim Himes. Shays has served 20+ years in the Senate.
In short, Americans have awakened. They see that the inefficient, irrational, unfair, self-serving policies of the Bush Adminsitration -- and the goose-stepping Republicans who supported said policies -- have done incredible damage to our nation.
Finally, Americans have stepped up and said "No more." And what a sight that is to see!
Forbes has text of Obama's acceptance speech.
Memeorandum has commentary.
Other Buck Naked Politics Posts:
* Cutting Executive Pay Would Save Jobs
* Lehman Execs Redistribute Shareholder Wealth (to Themselves)
* AIG Execs Redistribute Shareholder Wealth (to Themselves)
* Execs Made Millions While Driving Companies into Ditch
.* Are Bailout Funds Being Misused?
I'm so proud of my country right now.
Having to suffer through all the horrible, slanderous lies perpetuated by the MSM and McCain camp now seem well-worth it now that Obama is President-Elect.
Posted by: Rachel | November 05, 2008 at 10:41 AM
I too am glad that he got elected.
Posted by: Deb Cupples (Buck Naked Politics) | November 05, 2008 at 08:12 PM