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November 14, 2008



I am a Roman Catholic. My church is liberal and we do anti-poverty, anti-crime, anti-School of the Americas outreach, among many other activities. We pray for an end to abortion, poverty, violence, and war.

But we are not an abortion-centered church as many are in our Diocese. It is funny to see old congregations, Catholics who go to weekly Mass as I do are 'aging', center their worship on anti-abortion. The wars waged in their name and with their tax dollars, the increasing poverty do not seem to be an actual problem for the majority of these congregants. They are abortion centered.

I am certain when they go to confession they say, "Bless me, Father, for others have sinned."

The fact is that in America there are two Roman Catholic churches and sooner or later there will be a split.

Priests like this priest are youngish and the Church increasingly draws very conservative young men to the priesthood. There are fewer priests, obviously, and the liberal younish men do not become priests at as high a rate as the conservative ones.

It is a sad situation and mirrors all the Christian Faiths that have a belief in Liberal Arts and discussion.


i am definetly pro-life, but i would never base my presidential decision on the matter of abortion. After Roe vs. Wade, there have been few pro-choice presidents and most presidents have been pro-life. So many people voted for them just because of abortion, but did they do anything about it?No. The fact is, these presidents were pro-life, but i dont think that the idea of president just being pro-life and not doing anything about it is a real way to base decisions

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