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« Post Debate: Is the Party Over for Joe the Plumber & Joe Six-Pack or Will They Switch to Obama Too? | Main | John McCain Addresses ACORN.... »

October 16, 2008



Turns out that Joe "the plumber" Wurzelbacher is related to Charles "the crook" Keating of the infamous Keating 5 scandal. And McCain campaign insiders knew about it. Hilarious.


Video is here...


See correct link:

Close Observer

Hey, looks like Barack ("Senator Government") Obama isn't the only hack parroting David Axelrod talking points! Too rich and too funny!


Buying an existing business doesn't mean you've worked harder than someone else and it doesn't tend to create new jobs which is the only valid reason to give businesses a tax break. I associate those things with starting a business from scratch. Joe just wants to make himself rich and have the government give him a handout for doing it. Tax breaks for businesses should be tied to job creation.

Close Observer

That's right. Screw the plumbers and other blue collar types of the world. What're they good for anyway! The only worthy employment is with ACORN!

This election is about one thing that can be spelled in *three* letters - J-O-B-S. (That's Joe Biden, who gets away with stunning Quaylisms like this daily that the media would crucify Governor Palin if she did.)


Joe the Plumber needs an economics lesson.

Close Observer

Whoops ... another fib by the Obama campaign BUSTED!

But what is it that Sen. Obama (D-Media) is saying that incites his followers to wear shirts saying "Sarah Palin is a c---"? Why is it in Obama's rhetoric that triggers this base hatred? Why won't he condemn it? And because he won't, does this mean he shares the misogyny of his followers?

Please, Obama, denounce what you have inspired! And please join him, Obamabots!

Close Observer

Whoops. Looks like another Obama fib has been busted:

But what about the hate of the Obama campaign? What is it in his rhetoric that incites people to wear "Sarah Palin is a c---" t-shirts? And because he won't denounce them, doesn't this mean he shares their misogyny?

Lance Free

Let's see now. This ordinary Joe Plumber guy is crying because he makes an exceptional amount of money! Wah, Wah, Wah!! The "insulate the rich" crowd has deceived Joe Plumber into thoughtlessly and uncritically adopting some kind of objection based upon wealth "redistribution" and "socialism". Well Joe, before you go into that new business, how about paying back (with credit card interest) what you owe in the "redistribution" and "socialized" benefits you have and are receiving!!

First, I assume you went to public school. Hey get this Joe, school tax dollars were taken from everyone, pooled and "redistributed" to those families with children in school. This goes for every school from preschools to graduate schools. And, tax deductions and other tax breaks make the same applicable to private schools of every variety. So Joe, when will you pay the fed, state & local governments.

Second. Gee Wiz Joe, did it ever occur to you that your trade, wages and proposed business are entirely based upon the exact ignorance your "me first" distraction. There is no "plumbing" and are no "plumbers" without the wealth distribution and socialization of the sewage and water infrastructure upon which you take as a personal capital investment from which you are entitled to make a "buck". I and your fellow citizens paid for that which provides your livelihood. Since our infrastructure is in dire need of updating, maybe you would feel more comfortable with a special tax on plumbers to fix that which is the source of their livelihood so that the rest of us aren't subsidizing your wages and benefits.

Oh Joe, a third point is unions and yes, the trade unions are very powerful and organized. You may or may not be a member; but I suspect you were at one time or another. Even if you don't belong, you have to concede the strength of trade unions benefit you by keeping wages of plumbers high and assuring you the prevailing wage. By the way, the unions have long been the subject of the wealth class as socialists. The laws which protect unions and collective bargaining mean I subsidize your wages and benefits by allowing you a right to collectively bargain and charge the union rate. Oh yeah Joe, if the state licenses you or inspects your work, you are subsidized such that others are precluded from doing the same work.

Joe my brother. When you get into that truck which is loaded with tools and you set out u[pon the highways, does it occur to you that are driving upon a redistribution of wealth. Your heavier than mine, loaded vehicle, puts more wear and tear on the roads. But you haven't repaid the rest of us who don't use the highways as much, or as severely, as you. And heaven forbid you are deducting gas and mileage as an expense so the rest of us are picking up the costs you have redistributed.

And, because "a lot" is not enough for you Joe, the great thing is there is a plumber out there who will see the kind of money which you feels will threaten your "better than a good life" is more than enough for him or her. That plumber may very well come to your town and set up the business you feel is beneath you because of some additional taxation.

Hey Joe. Next time you have a question, think about the world and reality we live in. Look around and you'll find many of the things you take for granted are the direct result of having been "redistributed" and "socialized". Well "my friend", you have frankly deluded yourself into classifying reality and policy by pejorative labels. We have a mixed economy sir. Now you can deny the realities, but truth and frankness merely require you to admit that your real objection is you are selfish and greedy.

And in the end, it won't be competition or taxes which undo you. It will be your unreflective simplicity which justifies your seeds of greed. And.Joe, if you are a schill and a plant whose own financial circumstances make your statements of "business ownership" implausible, you are a fraud whose shamelessness has impaired this country and scammed the electorate.

And, that is so Joe. Good Luck.

Lance Free

Let's see now. This ordinary Joe Plumber guy is crying because he makes an exceptional amount of money! Wah, Wah, Wah!! The "insulate the rich" crowd has deceived Joe Plumber into thoughtlessly and uncritically adopting some kind of objection based upon wealth "redistribution" and "socialism". Well Joe, before you go into that new business, how about paying back (with credit card interest) what you owe in the "redistribution" and "socialized" benefits you have and are receiving!!

First, I assume you went to public school. Hey get this Joe, school tax dollars were taken from everyone, pooled and "redistributed" to those families with children in school. This goes for every school from preschools to graduate schools. And, tax deductions and other tax breaks make the same applicable to private schools of every variety. So Joe, when will you pay the fed, state & local governments.

Second. Gee Wiz Joe, did it ever occur to you that your trade, wages and proposed business are entirely based upon the exact ignorance your "me first" distraction. There is no "plumbing" and are no "plumbers" without the wealth distribution and socialization of the sewage and water infrastructure upon which you take as a personal capital investment from which you are entitled to make a "buck". I and your fellow citizens paid for that which provides your livelihood. Since our infrastructure is in dire need of updating, maybe you would feel more comfortable with a special tax on plumbers to fix that which is the source of their livelihood so that the rest of us aren't subsidizing your wages and benefits.

Oh Joe, a third point is unions and yes, the trade unions are very powerful and organized. You may or may not be a member; but I suspect you were at one time or another. Even if you don't belong, you have to concede the strength of trade unions benefit you by keeping wages of plumbers high and assuring you the prevailing wage. By the way, the unions have long been the subject of the wealth class as socialists. The laws which protect unions and collective bargaining mean I subsidize your wages and benefits by allowing you a right to collectively bargain and charge the union rate. Oh yeah Joe, if the state licenses you or inspects your work, you are subsidized such that others are precluded from doing the same work.

Joe my brother. When you get into that truck which is loaded with tools and you set out u[pon the highways, does it occur to you that are driving upon a redistribution of wealth. Your heavier than mine, loaded vehicle, puts more wear and tear on the roads. But you haven't repaid the rest of us who don't use the highways as much, or as severely, as you. And heaven forbid you are deducting gas and mileage as an expense so the rest of us are picking up the costs you have redistributed.

And, because "a lot" is not enough for you Joe, the great thing is there is a plumber out there who will see the kind of money which you feels will threaten your "better than a good life" is more than enough for him or her. That plumber may very well come to your town and set up the business you feel is beneath you because of some additional taxation.

Hey Joe. Next time you have a question, think about the world and reality we live in. Look around and you'll find many of the things you take for granted are the direct result of having been "redistributed" and "socialized". Well "my friend", you have frankly deluded yourself into classifying reality and policy by pejorative labels. We have a mixed economy sir. Now you can deny the realities, but truth and frankness merely require you to admit that your real objection is you are selfish and greedy.

And in the end, it won't be competition or taxes which undo you. It will be your unreflective simplicity which justifies your seeds of greed. And.Joe, if you are a schill and a plant whose own financial circumstances make your statements of "business ownership" implausible, you are a fraud whose shamelessness has impaired this country and scammed the electorate.

And, that is so Joe. Good Luck.


I read Joe the plumber is a fake. He owe's back taxes to Ohio. He owe's his ex wife money. He's not licenced,how can he act like such a big shot. He's a phoney!

Teh Nutroots

FYI, Close Observer, there were two "kill him" incidents. One came via Dana Milbank (an allegation in his column)---the other was different. Both are being investigated. Please see:

Because I'm sure you want to live up to your handle.

Close Observer

Both instances have a newspaper reporter solely making the claim. Dana Milbank is has a liberal slant on his news pieces - that's widely recognized. If he is the ONLY source (other media were present and didn't offer "first hand" validation), then that's not enough.

Meanwhile, you have refused to comment on the vile, misogynistic hatred of Sarah Palin by Obama supporters at Obama rallies. Will you hold Obama to the SAME STANDARD to which you hold McCain?

Why has Obama incited such grotesque anti-woman hatred? Why won't he denounce it? And why are you OKAY with that?

Teh Nutroots

Because I---and Damozel and others who blog with her--- hate Sarah Palin too?

But unlike you I don't see women as fungible or think Sarah Palin = all women.

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