Fascinating article in HuffPost about some Israelis' determination to challenge the conventional wisdom that a hawk is best for Israel. And this video is beautifully done, regardless of whether you agree with it:
[The video] is the brainchild of a Tel Aviv tv whiz named Alma Har'el, who directs music videos for Foo Fighters, among other bands. She and her American husband, Boaz Yakin, took just a week and a half in Israel to complete the spot, with no advance preparation and no production company. They were encouraged by a colleague, Lawrence Bender, an Oscar nominee who produced An inconvenient Truth and Pulp Fiction. Towards the end of the project, the couple joined forces with Jews For Change, who helped finish the editing and with distribution
"There's a real sense of urgency in this election and, living in Israel most of my life, I know how much America affects the world and what it stands for," Alma Har'el told the Huffington Post. "It's a private grass-roots effort to fight the lies the Republicans have been spreading and will spread this coming month to scare the Jewish voters in the US. The reason I made this video is that as an Israeli living in the US I felt the media here rarely shows the Israel that I know and love ... only an Israel filled with McCain supporters who are afraid of Obama's middle name and don't know the value of diplomacy. This video is meant to show that real diversity actually exists in Israel.There are young, old, left wing and yes... even a number of right wing Israelis who support Obama. The fact that he wants to try diplomacy before war, doesn't make him an enemy, it makes him a smart leader.We want to inspire Jewish voters to check their facts and realize that Obama is very committed to Israel's security!"
"It's important to understand that we're not trying to say all of Israel is for Obama, but these ones are and their voices deserve to be heard as well," said Amnon Lipkin Shachak, a former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Member of the Knesset and cabinet minister who went on camera to boost Barack. (HuffPost)
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