by Teh Nutroots | So ol' Joe the Plumber has got himself a manager and a pending record deal and is being held out as the poor man's GoP pundit, you say? And he's stumping with Ted Stevens' Pal, Palin?
That's good. That's very good news. Maybe he and Palin can form a joint ticket for 2012. I'd like that. The inevitable ignominious defeat of the Clown Car Ticket would put paid to the political ambitions of the rabid right for a long, long time to come.
Meanwhile, one cartoon endorsement deserves another.
Palin Billed Alaska Taxpayers for Family Members' Travels
Are Bailout Funds Being Misused, and is Consolidation of Banks a Good Thing?
Cutting Executive Pay Would Save Jobs
Three Dozen Telemarketers Walk Out of Call Center Rather than Read Anti-Obama Script
The McCain Campaign Misrepresents Obama's Position on "Redistribution of Wealth"