by Teh Nutroots | Here's the Republican National Committee's pre-fabricated anti-bailout ad, all freshly assembled and ready to go as soon as the bailout plan passed:
So, um, they were planning to support and enable a plan they do not agree with and which they believe will have a negative impact on Americans in order to bring down Obama and retain power? The GOP is indeed the party of patriots.
Some imprudent and overconfident party minion released it while the Republicans were reaching across the aisle, all bipartisan-like, and promising to support the bailout. It was supposed to pass, at which point it was going to be reframed as Obama's spending plan.
Unexpected, the bill didn't pass. It's egg on face time for the baldfaced lying liars of the GOP.
Sadly, the RNC's "base" is demonstrably too clueless gullible to work out that they were (and are) being played for morons.
John Cole thinks the Republicans need a little time out to think about their behavior.
For days, it has been obvious what the GOP dream scenario was- have the bailout pass, but with predominantly Democratic support, dub it the the Bush/Pelosi/Reid/Obama bailout, and then run against it. This is the plan that Gingrich and Ruffini and the other next generation Republicans have been salivating over....
Got it? While the Republican Leadership was shaking hands and allegedly rallying their troops to vote for the plan, they were already cutting ads to bash the Democrats. This is why only Republicans in safe seats and leadership positions voted for it...And they were not even hiding it-....
....These guys need a solid two decades in the minority.
Did Anti-Bailout Vote Really Cause Stock-Price Drop? Bailout Fans Might Say So.
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Nancy Pelosi Hurts GOP Feeeeeeeelings; They Retaliate by Voting Against the Bailout?