by Teh Nutroots | It says something about the state of our mainstream media lapdogs talking heads journalists "journalists" when John McCain's "toughest interview" yet happened on The View. Conservative Andrew Sullivan---a former McCain admirer who saw through him way back when he caved on torture---tersely comments;
This is how you conduct an interview. This interview just destroyed McCain's candidacy. (The Daily Dozen)
Yeah. If only.
Thank you, Barbara Walters and the ladies of The View. Show the useless press how it's done. Maybe they'll catch on before it's too damn late.
The ladies of "The View" confronted John McCain today for lying in recent attack ads, pressed him on abortion and questioned his choice of Sarah Palin.
In arguably his toughest interview yet, co-host Joy Behar asked McCain, "There are ads running from your campaign... Now we know that those two ads are untrue, they are lies. And yet, you at the end of it say you approve these messages. Do you really approve these?"...
Barbara Walters then threw in her condemnation..."(HuffPost)
But Whoopi Goldberg is the one who really saw off the bilge he was pumping out:
McCain was also pushed on his stance on abortion, saying he thought Roe v. Wade was a bad decision. Saying he'd nominate justices who strictly interpret the constitution, Whoopi asked if that meant she'd be returned to slavery...
Whoopi also pushed McCain on the separation of church and state, saying that if he believes in it, "did it not give [him] a moment of pause" to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate. He responded in part, "God has a plan for the world and that we should do what we can to lead as good a lives as we can...": (HuffPost)
That's what his lies are for, I guess: furthering God's "God's" plan. [God: "Don't look at me."]
HuffPost has some choice video moments from this interview.
Wonkette remarks:
What is the world coming to when the ladies on The View ask John McCain the toughest questions he’s gotten in weeks? And yet even these hardened journalists don’t follow up on one of his most infuriating talking points of this whole infuriating campaign, which is that he had to start running ads that were complete utter laughable bullshit lies because Obama didn’t want to debate him as often as McCain would have liked.
Wonkette also does what I hope the Obama campaign will do: call bullshit on the argument that his campaign has to hit him hard distort the truth lie because Obama refused to do town halls with him (i.e., play his game his way). Cf. this comment at Open Left.
Pam Spaulding comments:
Who needs the McCain BBQ-loving scared lapdogs of the MSM when the women of The View can grill McCain on critical issues such as reproductive freedom, the Supreme Court, and the separation of church and state. He comes out looking really bad, and lies like a rug while he's at it....
Unfortunately, Cindy McCain didn't get the same treatment; cohost Elisabeth Hasselbeck hosted a luncheon for her at last week's RNC, so I guess no one was up for asking her about her criminal drug scam and her husband's abuse of office to try to cover it up.
Not that Hasselbeck didn't do her bit, to give the mainly ornamental its due. From Wilshire and Washington:
John McCain had a contentious interview on "The View," in which Barbara Walters asks him about what exactly Sarah Palin intends to "reform" in Washington.
It's one of the harder hitting interviews that I have seen of the candidate recently, and even McCain supporter Elizabeth Hasselbeck tries to get in a less-than softball question.
Tremayne at Open Left hopes this might pull in the "older white women vote" that the polls say he's weak on. I don't believe the polls anyway, but yeah: anyone watching this part of the interview ought to have seen the lack of any light.
Memeorandum has more blog reactions.
There's a lot more---plus videos---at The HuffPost.
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The women of the view think they are God.They sweet talked Obama but bashed Mc Cain. There is no fair balance here.Guess they dont like fair and balanced...HIPOCRITS!!! Barbara needs to retire (The old bitty). After that book she wrote tells me she is loosing it...Joy needs to get a life (The big mouth Biatch). Woopie well she is black so cant blame her for thinking Obama is Mr. Wonderful. Those three think there sh-- dont stink....Elizabeth is the only one who has a brain and they bash her. She is the most caring likeable one out of all of them. I used to watch everyday but never anymore its turned into an old ladys gab session...Get out your knitting needles ladies and make yourselves a sweater while your mouths are flapping. Elizabeth your too good for them why dont you go to Fox they will treat you right...Isnt it about time the show was off the air and make room for something better..
Posted by: Susan | September 13, 2008 at 01:51 AM