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September 10, 2008



I appreciate your views. I am a strong Obama supporter. that said...if McCain does win...myself and the majority of Black women across this country are very disillusioned with the Democrat Party. We have been ingnored, trashed, and insulted thru this whole process. If PUMA has a chance to back the future nomination of Hillary Clinton...They better be pulling voters from their collective white, small-town, over 45 butts because American women of color are DONE with Democrats

Deb Cupples (Buck Naked Politics)


My view, at present, is that Obama should win. Thus, I agree with you on one point.

Frankly, though, I disagree about Hillary. The fact is that she has come through for Obama again and again since June. She's campaigning for him now in swing states.

If Hillary and Obama can't pull of a Dem victory in November, it won't be because either of them didn't try.

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