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« Sarah Palin Trainwreck Beginning to Alarm the McCain Team | Main | Bill Maher Interviews Chris Rock on the Debate and Related Matters »

September 27, 2008



Hmm, I did not view the lack of McCain looking at Obama as contempt...But saw it as lack of confidence~ in himself! I think Obama won the debate on all points.

His ability to give credit where credit is due in saying "SENATOR McCAIN is right" only gives him more elegance and CLOUT and evidence of diplomacy EVER SO Needed in the WHITE HOUSE TODAY..THUMBS UP AND KUDO'S to OBAMA for changing the "NANNER NANNER BOO BOO" So called HAWKING points~ touchdown! ~score! of who got the most JABS IN.

I don't think people heard the same debate I HEARD!

This is a serious issue people. We are in a SERIOUS SERIOUS predicament. We need a scalpel...NOT A Hatchet, and it is time for some surgery in WASHINGTON. NO more blood-letting to solve the problems.

For me, this campaign (since BIDEN came on board) is a NO BRAINER. OBAMA-BIDEN or you are stupid and hypnotized by BLOOD and sentiment and the good old boys.

However, next week is sure to be most satisfying ...YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!! I wonder what Palin is gonna wear?


Nicholas: I thought Obama’s “hatchet-Scalpel” analogy was the best statement of the night. I’m surprised that its not getting more sound-bite airplay. It was short, profound, fresh AND timely. Honorable Mention goes to Obama’s “I have a bracelet too” comment, the “you said (fill in the blank), but you were wrong!” sequence and the (and I’m paraphrasing) ”coming from someone who want to annihilate N. Korea and makes up songs about bombing Iran, I don’t know if that is a credible argument.” I wouldn’t be a fair critic if I didn’t say that McCain’s best quip was the “and I don’t even have a seal yet” comment. At least it made me laugh.

I also don’t think that commentators have taken into account the fact that whenever Obama said that McCain was right, he did so in regards to issues on which they BOTH agree, and that McCain was allowed to answer FIRST (mostly because of the moderated order of questioning). Conversely, McCain, when answering identical questions as Obama, instead of acknowledging where he agreed with what Obama just said, McCain chose to just regurgitate Obama’s statements and act like he was the first to say them. I personally like Obama's approach better. Its more diplomatic and statesman-like. It also says that you are not afraid to acknowledge where you and your adversary may agree.


Well, I watched the debate. Palin was focused and 'Charming' and a bit tad way too HOCKEY MOMMISH for me... and PUHLEEZE the holding baby and patting baby back after the Debate was SOOOOO ~ " SEE AMERICA" I am just like YOU AVERAGE PEOPLE. I was waiting for her to "change" the babies diaper and ask" can I call ya JOE' to hand her the wet-nap and powder for the baby's hinney. I just see right through the manipulative MAVERICK MANUEVER OF SENTIMENTALISM with that move.. GIMME A BREAK. ARGHHH..

Let's get serious folks..COME ON NOW. We do need a" change" in the WHITE HOUSE.. OBAMA AND BIDEN..will bring the change!


Well, I watched the debate. Palin was focused and 'Charming' and a bit tad way too HOCKEY MOMMISH for me... and PUHLEEZE the holding baby and patting baby back after the Debate was SOOOOO ~ " SEE AMERICA" I am just like YOU AVERAGE PEOPLE. I was waiting for her to "change" the babies diaper and ask" can I call ya JOE' to hand her the wet-nap and powder for the baby's hinney. I just see right through the manipulative MAVERICK MANUEVER OF SENTIMENTALISM with that move.. GIMME A BREAK. ARGHHH..

Let's get serious folks..COME ON NOW. We do need a" change" in the WHITE HOUSE.. OBAMA AND BIDEN..will bring the change!

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