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« A Key Moment in the Sept. 26 Debate in Oxford, Miss. | Main | Paul Newman Dies at 83 »

September 27, 2008



And, for the record, the Fox poll has McCain 80% to Obama 20%.


We are facing a great depression in this nation again. Neither of these candidates have a clue. And yet all the political blogs and television commentators mindlessly carry on about debating style. Barack Obama and John McCain had absolutely nothing to say about what to do to get the nation out of this disaster. Who lost the debate? America.


Tingumbob, I disagree with your assessment of the economy, and (implicitly) with your assessment of the bailout plan that Obama supports.

Hahaha. Fox polls. They're so cute. Obama won this debate among independents and undecideds by every objective measure, across many polls.

The funny thing is that an impartial observer of the debate, judging on content alone, would probably call it a draw. Both candidates did a good job stating their basic positions and there were few real zingers. But a tie goes to the frontrunner, since few people will get swung by this. Moreover, Obama is the lesser known quantity in this election, and any time he looks good on national TV it takes one more chance away from McCain to turn things around.

The best description of this debate that I heard actually came from one of those "Joe on the street" reaction interviews, on CBS. Usually I hate those, but this guy commented that it reminded him of Nixon-Kennedy in 1960. Historically, that's a good analogy. They both did fine on the issues, but one guy looked calm and presidential, and the other guy looked tired, agitated, and angry. Although I wish it was about the issues, it's the stupid crap like that that wins elections. And thankfully, my guy is on the right side of it this time around.

Josh Neumann

I agree with the above posts, neither of these candidats excites me in the least.

I feel like even reading anything on this election is a waste of my time, because neither of these candidates are taking us anywhere.

Teh Nutroots

As I said, I call it a draw. But I am for Obama, who at least will understand---and follow---advice (I believe) of people who DO know what they are talking about.

Guy Blaise

John McCain proved that he is a continuation of Bush's dirty politics. His message still unclear about the economy, foreign policy etc...John McCain and George Bush are, as the pygmies of Central African Republic say,"the fingers of the same hand."

Guy Blaise

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