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September 25, 2008


James Stripes

I'm all about

I normally stop listening when anyone over the age of 30 utters words such as, you know, like and stuff. Whatever! But I'm becoming more tolerant. This interview makes Dan Quayle look like the poster boy for Mensa.

I suppose Sarah Palin is a refreshing alternative to Dick Cheney. At least she won't be enacting foreign policy without consulting the Secretaries of Defense and State.

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I suppose Sarah Palin is a refreshing alternative to Dick Cheney. At least she won't be enacting foreign policy without consulting the Secretaries of Defense and State.

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I do not like the stock market, the dividend risk is too great, perhaps a country's stock market is the economy of the country's wind vane, barometer, I like to invest in real estate and other things, although there are risks, but I think it is smaller than the stock market.


wowo...interesting and fanstic!!i really want to all them in this article !!!

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