by Damozel | I think this is a good, substantive development of the "change" theme as it impacts the economy. I realize that it doesn't include exciting mud-slinging or slurs against Bush or McCain. Sadly, I am afraid that many people won't really take in the excellent points he makes during this intelligent, persuasive, but non-soundbite-friendly summation of the fundamental points expressed in this remarkable speech. So on the whole,* I too approved this message.
*One cavil: He makes an argument here for bipartisanship. Since I think the current problems are the direct consequence of outworn economic ideas of the right, I can't agree with him that this is what we really need so much as a purge of all prior assumptions and a fresh roadmap. Perhaps that is not realistic.
So if bipartisanship is what it will take to fix this appalling mess, then U-N-I-T-Y!
[If I were designing an ad, it would be of McCain big head saying that he doesn't really understand the economy and that its fundamentals are still sound.
And over that, a chorus of thousands of people of all ages, saying in unison, "It's the economy, stupid." (It's not nice, or civil, but it's politer than what he's tried to do in these last weeks to Obama.)]
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