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September 05, 2008



A couple of points:

TV shows in general have higher ratings this week than last. The industry knows this, that's why the fall season never started before Labor Day. Surprisingly, neither does the NFL. Last week was out of school week, last of week of summer vacation for parents and kids throughout the nation. This week, it's back to school and give over the TV to the parents by mid-evening. The comparison of ratings and views really isn't up to snuff.

Secondly, if the SFGate "writer" had bothered to watch Obama's trip in Lancaster, she would have realized it wasn't angry - he was making fun of the Republicans. Musing. And they were good points.

Bob Finkle

Palin is just a Dick Cheney in drag...lip stick and all

Bob Finkle

Palin is fainin and just another Dick Cheney in Drag...lipstick and all.

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