by Damozel | ...or so they say. Seriously, Republicans are whinging that they voted against the Bailout Bill because Nancy Pelosi made a mean, partisan speech. John Cole says:
I bet the House Republicans are PISSED.
So pissed. Heh. John Cole continues:
They wanted this bill to pass, but on the backs of the Democrats so they could run their populist bullshit about protecting the taxpayers. (Balloon Juice)
Because it's awesome, here's Barney Frank's response.
Having a hard time believing that any politician anywhere would seriously make this claim?
[W]hile the Democrats had delivered more than half of their caucus in favor of the bailout plan and Republicans could not, several top GOP figures (who fractured over the actual vote) went full-tilt in blaming Pelosi personally. (HuffPost)
Check it----
At Crooks and Liars, Silent Patriot: Shorter House GOP: We killed the bailout bill because Pelosi hurt our feelings
Via TPM, the horrible, cruel, unforgivably offensive speech that forced Republicans to vote against the bill and shifts all the responsibility to the Democrats for the failure.
Here's the first wave of whinging:
Meanwhile, looks as if the House Republicans missed the Gingrich memo:
In the last week [Gingrich has] been leading the right-wing rebellion against the bailout — yelling about socialism, ranting about the pushy Democratic leadership, calling for Hank Paulson’s resignation.... And his words struck a chord with right-wing talk radio, which struck a chord with House Republicans trying to keep their seats. Newt made the Republican base furious over this bailout. And now LOOK, right as voting started today, he released a statement saying, “Eh, I’d vote for this bailout.” His minions apparently did not get their overlord’s message.. (Wonkette)
The message is here: Newt Gingrich: ‘I would reluctantly and sadly vote for the bailout’
McCain, unlike the Republicans, thinks it is Obama's fault----because his supporters mocked McCain's "dramatic suspension" of his campaign and "rush" to DC to throw a spanner or two in the works (I guess.)
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So 12 of the 17 Democrats (more than needed to pass the bill) on the committee that Barney Frank chairs vote AGAINST the bill ... and it's the Republicans fault. Gosh - penetrating analysis there!
This is the same Barney Frank who in 2003 said, "These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
This was on a reform package initiated by the Bush Administration that even the NYTimes called "the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago."
Oh, but Democrats like Frank and Chris Dodd blocked it. So it's the Republicans fault. Brilliant!
Posted by: Close Observer | September 30, 2008 at 09:17 AM