by Damozel | Man, am I glad to see "sensible conservative" and ace political satirist Jon Swift is back and blogging. Never in our history have so many needed a good Swiftian kick.. [Mind you, he has not actually read Greenspan's book.]
Obama has rejected McCain’s call for suspending the campaign and postponing this Friday’s presidential debate, saying, "I think that it is going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once." Obama’s response was telling. Do we really want a President who is not going to be focused, who will not be able to put all of his attention into solving one problem at a time? I don’t think it is Obama’s fault that he has such a short attention span. He grew up watching television and came of age in an era of computer multitasking. John McCain was born before television even existed and he barely knows what a computer is. We need a President like McCain who will not be distracted by trying to take on a new crisis every day but will have the discipline to put everything else aside and concentrate on a problem before taking a short nap and going on to the next one. (More....!)
Do we think Johnny Mac had a little nap today before getting up to go to the White House and solve our mortgage crisis later this afternoon?
What? The Congress has announced an agreement? Without McCain?
He's gonna be pissed when he wakes up!
Posted by: Bill | September 25, 2008 at 03:15 PM
Let McCain sit out the debate. I'm sure leaders of other (ignored) parties would be happy to take his place.
Posted by: Saskboy | September 25, 2008 at 06:19 PM