by Deb Cupples | Lately, I've been focused, nearly to the point of obsession, on our nation's economy and the Bush Administration's plan to funnel 700+ billion tax dollars to Wall Street firms and executives who drove our economy to the cliff's edge. Thus, I haven't had much time or energy left over to keep up with the latest bit of inanity coming from John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin.
Last night, I had a few minutes to spare and just couldn't let the most recent gems slide:
The Washington Post reports that Gov. Palin had accepted "gifts valued at $25,367 from industry executives, municipalities and a cultural center whose board includes officials from some of the largest mining interests in the state."
Here's the rub: Gov. Palin -- when focusing on ethics reform (not that Alaska, of all places, needs such reforms) -- had publicly talked against gift-giving by industries to state officials.
Yes, that is similar to Gov. Palin's having publicly professed hatred of federal earmarks after she had actively sought federal earmarks as a city official and as governor. At least the good governor's hypocrisy (or dis-ingenuousness) is consistent.
Then there's that Katie Couric interview, during which Gov. Palin reportedly 1) forgot the meaning of the word "caricature," 2) tried to stretch Alaska's geographic proximity to Russia as evidence of her foreign policy experience, and 3) mis-assessed Henry Kissinger's diplomatic philosophies. My co-blogger Nicholas already covered the Couric interview.
The big question: did Gov. Palin actually know who Kissinger is?
Oh, well. Back to issues that actually matter. Memeorandum has commentary.
Other Buck Naked Politics Posts:
* Congress Fails to Craft New Bailout Plan
* Schumer Asks the $550 Billion Question: Why so much Right Now?
* Executives Skate out of Economic Disaster with Millions
* Bailout: Ignore the Sales Pitch -- Bush Plan is Not the Only Option
* What Could we do with $700 Billion (Instead of bailing out Crooks)?
* FBI Finally Starts Investigating Wall Street Firms for Fraud
* Tim Cunha for Congress, Florida District 6