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August 23, 2008


Luca Govoni

It would require quite a bit of research to calculate how many workers could have been paid or how much equipment could have been bought if the Big Three's execs had not received raises -- or, better yet, if all of those execs had instead taken pay cuts.It seems absurd to trust people with that sort of track record to voluntarily use our tax dollars in a way that benefits this nation -- unless Congress ties specific conditions to the money they get.



I'm glad you're doing the research on the auto industry. Once we get through the election cycle, somebody in government is going to have to take a long, hard look at what it takes to make fuel efficient vehicles and to convert in short order to cars that run on something other than oil.

If taxpayer dollars have to be involved (and I think they do), we're gonna need to keep a close watch on where they're going... and who benefits the most. Wouldn't it be lovely if the CEO's salary were pegged to success at meeting the goals of the loans and incentives!

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